
   I was asked last year to give a speech  去年我曾被邀请在

  at the Oslo Freedom Forum.  奥斯陆自由论坛上做演讲
  I was surrounded by this love  我觉得我周围
  and the support of people around me,  都是来自人们的爱与支持
  and they looked at me as an inspiration.  他们觉得我可以激励他们
  At the same time, I flew back to my home country,  不久,我飞回祖国
  they hated that speech so much.  发现他们痛恨那次演讲
  The way they called it: a betrayal to the Saudi country  他们称之为,对沙特国家
  and the Saudi people,  及人民的背叛
  and they even started a hashtag called OsloTraitor on Twitter.  甚至有人在推特上建了个“审判奥斯陆演讲”的话题
  Some 10,000 tweets were written in that hashtag,  在那个话题下有约一万条消息
  while the opposite hashtag, OsloHero,  反观“奥斯陆英雄”这个话题
  there was like a handful of tweets written.  也有约120条消息
  They even started a poll.  人们甚至开始投票表决
  More than 13,000 voters answered this poll:  有约1万3千人参加了投票
  whether they considered me a traitor or not after that speech.  选我是个罪犯,还是个英雄
  Ninety percent said yes, she's a traitor.  百分之九十的人表示,她是个罪犯
  So it's these two totally different perceptions  这对我来说是两种
  of my personality.  完全不同的观点
  For me, I'm a proud Saudi woman,  我身为沙特女性而骄傲
  and I do love my country,  我也热爱我的国家
  and because I love my country, I'm doing this.  正因为我热爱我的国家,我从事这些
  Because I believe a society will not be free  因为我觉得如果这个社会中的女性不自由
  if the women of that society are not free.  这个社会也不会自由
  Thank you.  谢谢