
   In that hut, we walked in,  我们走进那间小草屋

  and her father and his four wives were sitting there,  她的父亲和四个妻子坐在那里
  and her sisters who had just returned because  她的姐妹们也回来了,
  they had all fled when she had fled,  她们也跟她一同离家出走的
  and her primary mother, who had been beaten  还有她的母亲,
  in standing up for her with the elders.  她曾因站在她的一边而被打
  When her father saw her and saw who she had become,  当她的父亲看到她,看到她
  in her full girl self,  变为一个成熟的少女时
  he threw his arms around her and broke down crying.  他拥抱着Jaclyn,放声大哭
  He said, "You are beautiful. You have grown into a gorgeous woman.  他说,“你真美,你变成一个美丽的姑娘了,
  We will not cut you.  我们不会给你行割礼了
  And I give you my word, here and now,  我现在就承诺
  that we will not cut your sisters either."  也不会对你的妹妹行割礼。“
  And what she said to him was,  她对父亲说,
  "You were willing to sell me for four cows,  “那时候,为了四头牛,一只小牛以及一些地毯
  and a calf and some blankets.  你愿意把我卖出去
  But I promise you, now that I will be educated  但是,我可以向你保证,现在的我接受了教育
  I will always take care of you,  我会一直照顾你
  and I will come back and I will build you a house.  我会回来,给你盖房子
  And I will be in your corner for the rest of your life."  直到你离开人世,我会一直陪伴你。”
  For me, that is the power of girls.  我认为,这就是少女的力量
  And that is the power of transformation.  也是转变的力量
  I want to close today  我想以我的书里头的一段话
  with a new piece from my book.  作为今天这个演讲的总结
  And I want to do it tonight  这个演讲是献给在座所有人的
  for the girl in everybody here.  内心少女的
  And I want to do it for Sunitha.  也希望将此献给苏妮塔
  And I want to do it for the girls that Sunitha talked about yesterday,  献给苏妮塔昨天谈论过的那些少女
  the girls who survive, the girls who can become somebody else.  那些有幸存活下来的,有机会改变自我的少女
  But I really want to do it for each and every person here,  也希望将此献给这里的每一个人
  to value the girl in us,  希望大家可以珍视我们的内心少女
  to value the part that cries,  珍视泪珠
  to value the part that's emotional,  珍视情感的力量
  to value the part that's vulnerable,  珍视脆弱的部分
  to understand that's where the future lies.  并且明白,那是我们的未来之所系
  This is called "I'm An Emotional Creature."  这段话标题是“我是一个情感动物”
  And it happened because I met a girl in Watts, L.A.  它源于我在洛杉矶遇到的一个女孩
  I was asking girls if they like being a girl,  我那时候到处问女孩子,她们是否喜欢做女孩
  and all the girls were like, "No, I hate it. I can't stand it.  所有的女孩都说,“不,我讨厌这个,我不能接受这个,
  It's all bad. My brothers get everything."  太糟糕了。我的哥哥总是得到所有的东西。“
  And this girl just sat up and went, "I love being a girl.  而这个女孩则站起来说:“我喜欢做女孩,
  I'm an emotional creature!"  因为我是一个情感动物!”