
   And I just look at this, and I think, yes,  看到这些,我想,是的

  we could take that so much further by allowing people to set targets  我们能可以把它带到更广阔的境界,以让人们去设定目标的方式
  by setting calibrated targets,  以设置校准目标的方式
  by using elements of uncertainty,  以使用不确定因素的方式
  by using these multiple targets,  以使用这些多重目标的方式
  by using a grand, underlying reward and incentive system,  以一个浩大的,潜在的奖励和激励系统
  by setting people up to collaborate in terms of groups, in terms of streets to collaborate and compete,  依靠建立合作以群体形式,路边组合形式协作,竞争
  to use these very sophisticated group and motivational mechanics we see. 以这些我们看到的非常复杂的群体和激励机制
  In terms of education,  这在教育方面
  perhaps most obviously of all, we can transform how we engage people.  大概显然是最有效的就是我们可以改变和人共事的方式
  We can offer people the grand continuity of experience and personal investment.  我们可以提供人们在经历和个人投资上浩大的连续性
  We can break things down into highly calibrated small tasks. 我们可以把事情拆分为可高度校准的小任务
  We can use calculated randomness.  我们能用数理随机性
  We can reward effort consistently as everything fields together.  我们能持续奖励努力正如所有东西传递承接在一起
  And we can use the kind of group behaviors that we see evolving when people are at play together,  并且我们能用这种群体行为,我们看到它在人们共同游戏时演变
  these really quite unprecedentedly complex cooperative mechanisms.  这些极空前复杂的合作机制
  Government, well, one thing that comes to mind is the U.S. government, among others,  政府,有件事在我脑海中浮现,那就是美国政府,是所有政府中
  is literally starting to pay people to lose weight.  首次书面声明支付费用给人们用于减肥
  So we're seeing financial reward being used to tackle the great issue of obesity.  所以我们在谈论财政激励被用于解决肥胖症的巨大问题
  But again, those rewards could be calibrated so precisely  但,那些激励能够被如此精确地标量
  if we were able to use the vast expertise of gaming systems to just jack up that appeal,  如果我们能够用游戏系统中庞大的专门技术来支持这种需要
  to take the data, to take the observations, of millions of human hours  去积累数据,执行观察分析代替百万人工作量
  and plow that feedback into increasing engagement.  和艰苦劳动来反馈提升人的参与度
  And in the end, it's this word, "engagement," that I want to leave you with.  最后,关键词是,参与度,这是我要留给大家的
  It's about how individual engagement can be transformed  这是关于如何用心理学和神经学的经验来转换
  by the psychological and the neurological lessons  个人的参与行为
  we can learn from watching people that are playing games.  我们可以从观察人的游戏中学习
  But it's also about collective engagement  这同时也是关于集体参与
  and about the unprecedented laboratory for observing what makes people tick  这是前所未有的实验室,我们通过游戏世界这个平台
  and work and play and engage on a grand scale in games.  观察什么让人行动,什么让人工作,游戏和投入
  And if we can look at these things and learn from them  如果我们观察这些并从中学习
  and see how to turn them outwards,  并找到将它通用到游戏之外的方法
  then I really think we have something quite revolutionary on our hands.  那么我真的任务我们正在做的士一件具有革命性的事情
  Thank you very much.  非常感谢