
   I'm a video game addict,  我是一个游戏爱好者,

  and it's not because of a certain number of hours I have spent playing,  不仅仅是因为我花好多时间来玩游戏
  or nights I have gone without sleep to finish the next level.  也不是因为无数个夜晚里为了通关而通宵达旦
  It is because I have had life-altering experiences in virtual space,  是因为我在那个虚拟世界里有另外一条生命
  and video games had begun to erode my own understanding of what is real and what is not.  电子游戏已经开始改变我对世界的理解什么是真实的,什么不是
  I'm addicted, because even though I know I'm losing my grip on reality,  我对游戏着迷,因为即使我已经控制不了现实
  I still crave more.  我却期望更多
  From an early age I learned to invest myself emotionally in what unfolded before me on screen.  从很小时候,我就开始学习对屏幕上发生的事情产生真实的情感
  Today, after 20 years of watching TV geared to make me emotional,  今天,在看过20年的电视以后
  even a decent insurance commercial can bring tears to my eyes.  甚至一个好的保险广告都能让我流泪
  I am just one of a new generation that is growing up.  我只是成长中的新一代中的一员
  A generation who may experience much more meaning  这一代从游戏中体会到得滋味
  through video games than they will through the real world.  可能比现实生活中更多
  Video games are nearing an evolutionary leap,  电子游戏正在进行飞速的发展
  a point where game worlds will look and feel just as real  游戏中的世界已经变得跟电影,电视
  as the films we see in theatres, or the news we watch on TV.  相差无几
  And while my sense of free will in these virtual worlds  我在虚拟世界里体验到的自由还是有局限的
  may still be limited, what I do learn applies to my real life.  可是我在游戏学到的东西却可以拿到现实生活中来
  Play enough video games and eventually you will  玩过足够多游戏之后,你就会觉得
  really believe you can snowboard, fly a plane,  你真的可以玩滑雪板,开飞机
  drive a nine-second quarter mile, or kill a man.  9秒内潜到400米深的水下,或者杀一个人
  I know I can.  我知道我可以
  Unlike any pop culture phenomenon before it,  跟其他之前的流行文化不一样
  video games actually allow us to become part of the machine.  电子游戏让我们变成了机器的一部分
  They allow us to sublimate into the culture of interactive, downloaded, streaming, HD reality. 它们允许我们沉浸到电子游戏的文化中,这是一种互动的,可下载的,高清晰的现实文化
  We are interacting with our entertainment.  我们可以跟它互动
  I have come to expect this level of interaction.  这是我们预期的互动层次
  Without it, the problems faced in the real world --  达不到这个层次,现实世界中的那些问题 ---
  poverty, war, disease and genocide -- lack the levity they should.  贫穷,战争,疾病,种族灭绝在游戏里就失去了效果
  Their importance blends into the sensationalized drama of prime time TV. 它们的重要性就跟黄金时段的电视剧融合为了一体
  But the beauty of video games today lies not in the lifelike graphics,  然而,电子游戏的魅力不在它有真实的画面
  the vibrating joysticks or virtual surround sound.  或者是那振动手柄或者立体的声音
  It lies in that these games are beginning to make me emotional.  而在于,这些电子游戏已经开始加入情感元素
  I have fought in wars, feared for my own survival,  我在游戏里打过仗,在孤军奋战的时候害怕过
  watched my cohorts die on beaches and woods that look and feel more real than any textbook or any news story.  看着自己的部队死在沙滩上和丛林里,那种感觉比任何的课本和新闻都真实
  The people who create these games are smart.  制作游戏的那些人很聪明
  They know what makes me scared, excited, panicked, proud or sad.  他们知道什么东西可以让我害怕,兴奋,慌张,骄傲或者悲伤
  Then they use these emotions to dimensionalize the worlds they create.  他们用这些不同的情感元素来划分整个游戏世界
  A well-designed video game will seamlessly weave the user into the fabric of the virtual experience. 一个经过很好的设计的电子游戏会把玩家完美的拼接到游戏的虚拟体验当中
  As one becomes more experienced the awareness of physical control melts away.  随着一个人玩游戏玩得越来越好,那种通过控制在玩游戏的感觉就会渐渐消失
  I know what I want and I do it.  我知道我想做什么就去做
  No buttons to push, no triggers to pull, just me and the game.  不会去想按什么按钮或者扣什么扳机,我考虑的就只有我还有游戏
  My fate and the fate of the world around me lie inside my hands.  我的命运还有我身处的世界的命运,都掌握在我的手中