
   Actually, those action video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention, 事实上,动作电子游戏的玩家在注意力方面还有很多其他优势。

  and one aspect of attention which is also improved for the better 其中之一得到提高的是能够更好地
  is our ability to track objects around in the world.  追踪周围的物体。
  This is something we use all the time.  这个能力我们很多时候都会用到。
  When you're driving, you're tracking, keeping track of the cars around you. 开车的时候你在追踪,追踪着周围的车子。
  You're also keeping track of the pedestrian, the running dog,  你也在追踪着行人和奔跑着的狗,
  and that's how you can actually be safe driving, right?  做到了这点才能安全驾驶,对吗?
  In the lab, we get people to come to the lab,  在实验室里,我们会找人到实验室里,
  sit in front of a computer screen, 坐在电脑屏幕前,
  and we give them little tasks that I'm going to get you to do again. 然后给他们些小任务,我将要让大家再做一遍相同的小任务。
  You're going to see yellow happy faces and a few sad blue faces. 你们将要看到黄色的笑脸和一些蓝色的哭脸。
  These are children in the schoolyard in Geneva during a recess during the winter. 这代表了冬天日内瓦的孩子们课间在操场上玩。
  Most kids are happy. It's actually recess.  大多数孩子很开心因为下课了,
  But a few kids are sad and blue because they've forgotten their coat.  但是还是有几个不太开心用蓝色代表,因为他们忘记穿外套了。
  Everybody begins to move around,  这些孩子开始到处移动,
  and your task is to keep track of who had a coat at the beginning and who didn't. 而你们的任务就是记住谁一开始有外套,谁没有。
  So I'm just going to show you an example where there is only one sad kid. 现在的这个例子里面只有一个哭脸。
  It's easy because you can actually track it with your eyes. 这很简单因为你可以用眼睛追踪着它。
  You can track, you can track, and then when it stops, 你看着它,看着它,然后它停住了,
  and there is a question mark, and I ask you, did this kid have a coat or not?  上面有一个问号。我的问题是,这个孩子有外套吗?
  Was it yellow initially or blue?  这张脸一开始是黄色的还是蓝色的?
  I hear a few yellow. Good.  我听到了几个人说是黄色的,很好,
  So most of you have a brain.  大家还是有点儿头脑的。
  I'm now going to ask you to do the task, 现在我们再做一遍,
  but now with a little more challenging task. 不过这次加大点难度,
  There are going to be three of them that are blue. 有三个蓝色的脸。
  Don't move your eyes.  不要看其他地方,
  Please don't move your eyes.  千万不要看其他的地方。
  Keep your eyes fixated and expand, pull your attention. 尽量使用你的余光,集中注意力。
  That's the only way you can actually do it. 只有这样你才能成功。
  If you move your eyes, you're doomed.  如果你移动了你的眼睛就肯定失败了。
  Yellow or blue?  黄色还是蓝色?
  Good.  很好。
  So your typical normal young adult can have a span of about three or four objects of attention. 一般普通年轻人的注意范围大概是三到四个物体。
  That's what we just did.  就像我们刚才看到的那样。
  Your action video game player has a span of about six to seven objects of attention,  而动作电子游戏的玩家一次可以注意到六到七个物体。
  which is what is shown in this video here.  像这个视频里一样。
  That's for you guys, action video game players.  轮到你们大显神通了,游戏玩家们。
  A bit more challenging, right?   有点挑战性了,对吗?
  Yellow or blue? Blue.  黄色的还是蓝色的?
  We have some people that are serious out there. Yeah. Good. 的确是蓝色的。在座的有些人很有一手嘛!很好!
  So in the same way that we actually see the effects of video games on people's behavior, 我们可以直接看到电子游戏对于人反应的影响,
  we can use brain imaging and look at the impact of video games on the brain, 同样的,我们也可以通过脑成像技术看看电子游戏对大脑的影响。
  and we do find many changes,  我们看到很多改变,
  but the main changes are actually to the brain networks that control attention. 但是最主要的变化还是表现在大脑控制注意力的部分。
  So one part is the parietal cortex  其中之一是众所周知
  which is very well known to control the orientation of attention.  控制注意力方面的大脑顶叶皮层。
  The other one is the frontal lobe, which controls how we sustain attention, 还有一个则是控制我们如何保持注意力的大脑额叶。
  and another one is the anterior cingulate, 另有一个是控制我们如何
  which controls how we allocate and regulate attention and resolve conflict. 分配和调节注意力以及处理矛盾的前扣带皮层。
  Now, when we do brain imaging, 现在,当我们做脑成像的时候,
  we find that all three of these networks are actually much more efficient in people that play action games. 我们会发现游戏玩家大脑的这三个神经网络结构都比一般人的更有效率。
  This actually leads me to a rather counterintuitive finding in the literature about technology and the brain. 这些使我从文献中找到了关于科技和大脑违背一般人常识的发现。