大家说英语 第469期:被困电梯(2)(在线收听

   Why didn't we take the stairs? 为什么我们不走楼梯呢?

  I always use the elevator. I'm just lazy. 我总是坐电梯。我就是懒。
  Don't feel bad. This isn't your fault. 别自责。这不是你的错。
  I guess, but what are we going to do? We're stuck in the elevator! 大概吧,但是我们要做什么?我们被困在电梯里了!
  Well, shouting didn't work, and the emergency button didn't do anything. 恩,喊叫是没用的,紧急按钮也没起作用。
  Maybe our friends will look for us soon. 也许我们的朋友一会儿会找我们。
  Did you ask Linda for some super glue? 你有让琳达带一些强力胶过来吗?
  Yes, and she promised to bring some to us. 有,她答应会给我们带一些过来。
  Then where is it? You called her 15 minutes ago. 那在哪里呢?你是15分钟前给她打的电话。
  True. I'll call her again. 是啊。我再给她打一遍。
  She isn't at her desk? 她不在位子上?
  I guess not. Can you go and look for her? 我想不在。你能去找找她吗?
  Sure. Or maybe I'll search for some super glue myself. 没问题。没准我能自己找到一些强力胶。
  Taylor, Linda is stuck in the elevator! 泰勒,琳达被困在电梯里了!
  What? You trapped Linda in the elevator! 什么?你把琳达困在了电梯里!
  No. We were both in the elevator, and it stopped between floors. 不是。我们当时都在电梯里,电梯停在楼层之间了。
  How did you get out? 那你是怎么出来的?
  The elevator doors finally opened, and I climbed out. But Linda isn't tall enough! 电梯的们最后打开了,然后我爬了出来。但是琳达不够高!
  Well, let's find Rob. Then we'll save Linda. 恩,让我们找一下罗布吧。然后我们就能救出琳达了。