大家说英语 第470期:神秘礼物(1)(在线收听

   I like Christmas. 我喜欢圣诞节。

  I do, too. 我也是。
  Do you have someone's name for the Secret Santa game? 你有Secret Santa游戏的送礼对象了吗?
  Yes, I do. What are the rules again? 有啊。你可不可以再说一遍游戏规则?
  Well, you choose a name. Then you buy that person a gift. 恩,你选择一个名字。然后给这个人买一份礼物。
  Right. Then I wrap it and put it under the Christmas tree. 好的。然后我把礼物打包好,放在圣诞树底下。
  Don't forget! You can only spend $20. 别忘了!你只能花20美元。
  Who is your person? 你选的是谁?
  I can't tell you! It's a secret. 我可不能告诉你!这是个秘密。
  Is your person a boy or a girl? 那个人是男的还是女的?
  A boy. 一个男的。
  Do you have an idea for a gift? 你有送礼物的点子吗?
  Yes. My person has a favorite hobby. I can get him something for that. 有。我选的人有一个他喜欢的爱好。我可以根据这一点送他东西。
  I have a girl. I don't have any ideas yet. 我选了一个女孩。但是到现在我也没什么送礼的点子。
  Look at all the gifts! 看看这一大堆礼物!
  Yes. There are a lot of them. I put one under the tree this morning. 是啊。有很多礼物。我今早把其中一个放在了树下面。
  Which one is it? 哪个是?
  It's the small, square one. 小的,方的那个。
  The one with green paper and white ribbon? 是那个绿色包装纸,白色缎带的那个吗?
  That's it. 就是那个。
  What is it? 里面是什么?
  I'm not telling. It's a secret! 我不能说。这是个秘密!