
   I'm now very proud to be a part of Intervoice,  身为“众声喧哗”的一员,我引以为荣!

  the organizational body of the International Hearing Voices Movement,  它是国际听声组织的筹划单位
  an initiative inspired by the work of Professor Marius Romme and Dr. Sandra Escher, 在Sandra Escher博士和Marius Romme教授的著作启发下成立
  which locates voice hearing as a survival strategy, a sane reaction to insane circumstances, 他们将“听到声音”视为一种生存策略,一种在异常情境下的合理反应
  not as an aberrant symptom of schizophrenia to be endured,  不是旁人必须包容的精神分裂症状
  but a complex, significant and meaningful experience to be explored. 反而是有待深入研究、复杂、重要且有意义的经验
  Together, we envisage and enact a society that understands and respects voice hearing, 我们共同预见并推动能理解尊重“听声者”的社会环境
  supports the needs of individuals who hear voices, and which values them as full citizens. 支持他们的需求,把他们当享有权利的公民看待
  This type of society is not only possible, it's already on its way. 这种社会不但可能且已逐渐形成
  To paraphrase Chavez, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. 用美国社会运动家Cesar Chavez的话说,社会变迁一旦开始便无法回头
  You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride.  自重之人不会为人所羞辱
  You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. 无所畏惧之人则不为人所压迫
  For me, the achievements of the Hearing Voices Movement  对我来说,国际听声组织(IHVM)的成就
  are a reminder that empathy, fellowship, justice and respect are more than words; 提醒世人同理心、友谊、正义和尊重胜过言语
  they are convictions and beliefs, and that beliefs can change the world. 它们是坚定的信念。而信念可以改变世界
  In the last 20 years, the Hearing Voices Movement  国际听声组织在过去20年
  has established hearing voices networks in 26 countries across five continents, 已在5大洲的26国建立联系管道
  working together to promote dignity, solidarity and empowerment for individuals in mental distress, 共同致力提升承受精神折磨者的尊严、团结和自立能力
  to create a new language and practice of hope,  希望以此塑造希望的言词与实践
  which, at its very center, lies an unshakable belief in the power of the individual. 其中的核心就是对个人能力坚定不疑的信念
  As Peter Levine has said, the human animal is a unique being 美国心理医师Peter Levine说过,人类是很特别的生物
  endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal and the intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity. 与生俱来就有疗愈能力和运用此天赋的智慧
  In this respect, for members of society,  因此,身为社会的一份子
  there is no greater honor or privilege than facilitating that process of healing for someone, 最荣幸的事莫过于帮人自我疗愈
  to bear witness, to reach out a hand, to share the burden of someone's suffering, 见证一切,伸出援手并分担苦痛
  and to hold the hope for their recovery.  还要坚持人们康复的希望
  And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity,  同样地,我要对那些历尽磨难的人说
  that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us. 我们知道经历过的那些伤害不会让我们的人生就这样下去
  We are unique. We are irreplaceable.  我们是独一无二的
  What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. 心灵无法被占据、扭曲或夺走
  The light never goes out.  而光明永存
  As a very wonderful doctor once said to me,  如同一位名医对我说过
  "Don't tell me what other people have told you about yourself. Tell me about you." “不要跟我说别人对你的看法!我要听你怎么看待自己!”
  Thank you.  谢谢!