
   And there's a book -- John Gartner.  有本书--约翰·加特纳著的。

  John Gartner wrote this book called "The Hypomanic Edge"  约翰·加特纳写过这本名叫“轻度躁狂边缘”的书
  in which Christopher Columbus and Ted Turner and Steve Jobs  在书里克里斯托夫·哥伦布,特德·特纳和史蒂夫·乔布斯
  and all these business minds have this edge to compete. 和所有这些商业头脑都有这种边缘的竞争优势。
  A different book was written not too long ago in the mid-90s 不久前,在90年代中期凯·雷德菲尔德·贾米森著有另一本书
  called "Touched With Fire" by Kay Redfield Jamison  名叫“与激情之火的碰撞”
  in which it was looked at in a creative sense  在书中双向人格障碍症被看做是具有创造性意义
  in which Mozart and Beethoven and Van Gogh all have this manic depression that they were suffering with. 例如莫扎特,贝多芬和梵高他们都承受着这躁狂抑郁症的痛苦。
  Some of them committed suicide.  他们中一些人自杀了。
  So it wasn't all the good side of the illness. 所以这不是这一疾病所有好的一面。
  Now recently, there's been development in this field. 最近,这领域有了发展。
  And there was an article written in the New York Times, September 2010,  在2010年九月份的纽约时报上写有一篇文章,
  that stated: "Just Manic Enough." 它表明:“只是狂躁十足。”
  Just be manic enough in which investors who are looking for entrepreneurs 只是要狂躁十足,投资者就是在找寻这样的企业家
  that have this kind of spectrum -- you know what I'm talking about -- 他们有这种人格双向频谱--大家晓得我所讲的--
  not maybe full bipolar, but they're in the bipolar spectrum --  也许不是完全的双向障碍症,但他们可以感知双向人格频谱--
  where on one side, maybe you think you're Jesus, 在一边,或许你认为你是耶稣,
  and on the other side maybe they just make you a lot of money. 而在另一边或许双向人格会使你变得很富有。
  Your call. Your call.  你的命运召唤。你的召唤。
  And everyone's somewhere in the middle.  每个人都身处其中。
  Everyone's somewhere in the middle.  每个人都身处其中。
  So maybe, you know, there's no such thing as crazy, 所以或许,大家晓得,没有被归为疯狂的这回事,
  and being diagnosed with a mental illness doesn't mean you're crazy. 被诊断患有精神疾病不意味着你就是疯狂。
  But maybe it just means  但或许它只是意味着
  you're more sensitive to what most people can't see or feel. 你对于大多数人所看不到或所感知到的东西反而更加敏感。
  Maybe no one's really crazy.  或许没有人是真正的疯狂。
  Everyone is just a little bit mad.  每个人只是有点狂。
  How much depends on where you fall in the spectrum. 多大程度上,这取决于你深陷这人格频谱的程度。
  How much depends on how lucky you are. 也多少取决于你有多幸运。
  Thank you.  谢谢。