
   So the following episode happened the seventh week of my first semester of my first year at Yale Law School. 接下来这件事发生在我上耶鲁大学法学院的第一学期的第七周

  Quoting from my writings:  从我的笔记中:
  "My two classmates, Rebel and Val, and I had made the date 我的两个同学,Rebel和Val和我约了一个时间
  to meet in the law school library on Friday night to work on our memo assignment together. 星期五一起在图书馆学习我们的备忘录的作业
  But we didn't get far before I was talking in ways that made no sense. 但是我们没有完成,因为我开始胡言乱语
  'Memos are visitations,' I informed them.  “备忘录是探访”,我告诉他们
  'They make certain points. The point is on your head.  他们有写观点,观点就在你脑子里,
  Pat used to say that. Have you killed you anyone? Pat曾经就这么说,你杀了人吗?
  Rebel and Val looked at me Rebel和Val看着我,
  as if they or I had been splashed in the face with cold water. 好像我在他们脸上泼了冷水一样
  'What are you talking about, Elyn?'  你在说什么?,Elyn?
  'Oh, you know, the usual. Who's what, what's who, heaven and hell. Let's go out on the roof. 哦,你知道的,谁是什么,什么是谁?天堂和地狱,让我们去屋顶。
  It's a flat surface. It's safe.'  那是平的,那里安全。
  Rebel and Val followed and they asked what had gotten into me. Rebel和Val跟着我,问我怎么了
  'This is the real me,' I announced, waving my arms above my head. 我说:这就是真正的我。高高的挥着我的手
  And then, late on a Friday night, on the roof of the Yale Law School, 然后,在星期五很晚的时候,在法学院的楼顶上
  I began to sing, and not quietly either.  我开始唱歌,很大声
  'Come to the Florida sunshine bush. Do you want to dance?' 来到佛罗里达,阳光和灌木。你想跳舞吗?
  'Are you on drugs?' one asked. 'Are you high?'  “你嗑药了吗”有人问,“你high了吗?”
  'High? Me? No way, no drugs.  “high?不可能,没有嗑药。
  Come to the Florida sunshine bush, where there are lemons, where they make demons.' 来到佛罗里达,阳光灌木,那里有柠檬,那里有恶魔
  'You're frightening me,' one of them said, and Rebel and Val headed back into the library. “你吓倒我了”,他们一个人说, Rebel和Val回到了图书馆。
  I shrugged and followed them.  我耸耸肩,跟着他们。
  Back inside, I asked my classmates 回来之后,我告诉我的同学
  if they were having the same experience of words jumping around our cases as I was. 他们有没有同样的胡言乱语的经历像我一样
  'I think someone's infiltrated my copies of the cases,' I said.  “我觉得有人进入了我的案件”
  'We've got to case the joint.  “我们要把关节装起来,
  I don't believe in joints, but they do hold your body together.'" 我不相信关节,但是它们能把身体连起来。
  It's an example of loose associations. 这就是一个散漫联想的例子
  "Eventually I made my way back to my dorm room, and once there, I couldn't settle down. 最终我回到了宿舍。到了后,我没有办法安心。
  My head was too full of noise,  我脑子里都是噪音
  too full of orange trees and law memos I could not write and mass murders I knew I would be responsible for. 到处都是桔子树和我写不出来的法律备忘录,以及那些我需要为之负责任的大规模谋杀。
  Sitting on my bed, I rocked back and forth, moaning in fear and isolation. 坐在床上,我摇来摇去,在孤独和恐惧中呻吟。
  This episode led to my first hospitalization in America.  这次发病让我第一次在美国住院了,
  I had two earlier in England.  我前两次在英国