
   Now this situation, already I -- you know, I don't really like thinking about this, 对于这个情况,你们知道,我并不愿意去想这个问题

  although somehow I got myself a job where I have to think about it. 虽然我阴差阳错地得到了一份工作使我不得不去想
  So the point is that we're very, very insecure in terms of developing this material. 重点是,我们发展这些裂变物质是非常非常不安全的
  The second thing is, what about the know-how?  第二个组成部分是,制造技术
  And there's a lot of controversy about  有很多关于恐怖组织
  whether terror organizations have the know-how to actually make a nuclear weapon. 是否真的掌握了核武器制造技术的争论
  Well, there's a lot of know-how out there.  好吧,其实到处都能找到制造技术
  There's an unbelievable amount of know-how out there.  而且关于这些制造技术的资料多得令人难以置信
  There's detailed information on how to assemble a nuclear weapon from parts. 这其中有如何将各个部件组装起来,成为一个核武器的详细信息
  There's books about how to build a nuclear bomb.  有教你如何制造核弹的书籍
  There are plans for how to create a terror farm  甚至还有建造一个“恐怖农场”所需的详细计划
  where you could actually manufacture and develop all the components and assemble it. 在那儿你可以加工制造所有的部件并进行组装
  All of this information is relatively available.  所有这些信息都是相对而言容易找到的
  If you have an undergraduate degree in physics,  只要你有一个物理学本科学历
  I would suggest -- although I don't, so maybe it's not even true -- 我猜--虽然我没有...所以我说也不一定对--
  but something close to that would allow you,  不过我想有一定物理水平的人
  with the information that's currently available, to actually build a nuclear weapon. 在这些可获得的信息帮助下,事实上是可以制造出核武器的
  The third element of the nuclear terror threat is that, who would actually do such a thing? 第三个核恐怖袭击的要素是谁可能会做出这样的事情?
  Well, what we're seeing now is a level of terrorism that involves individuals who are highly organized. 我们现在面对的是恐怖主义已经进入一个新的阶段,他们有严密的组织
  They are very dedicated and committed.  他们极具献身精神并且异常忠诚
  They are stateless.  他们没有国籍
  Somebody once said, Al Qaeda does not have a return address, 有人曾说,“基地”组织并没有一个“回信”地址
  so if they attack us with a nuclear weapon, what's the response, and to whom is the response? 那么如果他们向我们发射核武器,我们怎么反击?反击谁?
  And they're retaliation-proof.  他们不怕报复
  Since there is no real retribution possible that would make any difference, 因为要对他们进行有效的惩罚事实上是非常困难的
  since there are people willing to actually give up their lives in order to do a lot of damage to us, 由于有人愿意牺牲自己去摧毁别人
  it becomes apparent that the whole notion of this mutually assured destruction would not work. 情况变得显而易见,“确保相互毁灭”这个概念将不再适用
  Here is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, and Sulaiman was a key lieutenant of Osama Bin Laden. 这是苏莱曼·阿布·吉斯。苏莱曼是乌萨马·本·拉登的左膀右臂
  He wrote many, many times statements to this effect:  他发表过很多言论说:
  "we have the right to kill four million Americans, two million of whom should be children." ”我们有权利杀死四百万美国人,其中两百万是儿童。”
  And we don't have to go overseas to find people willing to do harm, for whatever their reasons. 我们不用出国门都能找到愿意发动袭击的人,不管是他们这么做的目的是什么
  McVeigh and Nichols, and the Oklahoma City attack in the 1990s 麦克威和尼克斯,俄克拉荷马城恐怖袭击发生在90年代
  was a good example of homegrown terrorists.  这是一个很好的关于在美国长大的恐怖分子的例子
  What if they had gotten their hands on a nuclear weapon?  如果他们手中有核武器会发生什么?
  The fourth element is that the high-value U.S. targets are accessible, soft and plentiful. 第四个要素那就是袭击对美国而言重要的目标,这些目标不仅可以靠近,而且脆弱,数量众多
  This would be a talk for another day, but the level of the preparedness  这可以作为另外一个演讲来讨论,但只在如何应对这个层面上来说
  that the United States has achieved since 9/11 of '01 is unbelievably inadequate. 美国在2001年“9/11”之后所做的努力简直是难以置信的不足
  What you saw after Katrina is a very good indicator of how little prepared the United States is for any kind of major attack. 我们所看到的在“卡特里娜”飓风过后的情况就能很好地说明美国的准备是何等地不充分,在面临任何大规模地袭击的时候