
   And the farther you are away in distance,  你距离爆炸点的距离越远越好

  the longer it is in time from the initial blast; 距离爆炸的时间越长越好
  and the more separation between you and the outside atmosphere, the better.  尽可能地将自己和外界隔绝开来
  So separation -- hopefully with dirt or concrete, or being in a basement -- 所以,与外界隔绝隔绝--最好是用泥土和水泥隔绝,或者躲在地下室--
  distance and time is what will save you.  保持距离,长时间远离,这些可以拯救你
  So here's what you do.  这些是你应该做的。
  First of all, as I said, don't stare at the light flash, if you can. 第一,正如我所说的,不要用肉眼看爆炸发出的光,如果可能的话
  I don't know you could possibly resist doing that.  我其实不太相信你们能忍住不看。
  But let's assume, theoretically, you want to do that.  让我们假设,从理论上而言,你会很想看。
  You want to keep your mouth open, so your eardrums don't burst from the pressures. 你最好让嘴巴保持张开的状态,这样你的鼓膜不会在压力下破裂
  If you're very close to what happened, you actually do have to duck and cover, like Bert told you, Bert the Turtle. 如果你距离爆炸发生的地方很近,你需要迅速低头并且找掩体躲起来,正如贝尔告诉你的那样--就是那只叫贝尔的乌龟
  And you want to get under something so that you're not injured or killed by objects, if that's at all possible. 可能的话,你最好躲在某些东西下面,避免受伤或致死
  You want to get away from the initial fallout mushroom cloud, I said, in just a few minutes. 你需要远离最初爆炸形成的放射性坠尘蘑菇云,我刚刚说过,这些必须在几分钟内完成
  And shelter and place. You want to move downwind or crosswind for 1.2 miles. 并且躲到合适的地方。你需要沿着风的方向,或者垂直于风的方向跑1.2英里
  You know, if you're out there and you see buildings horribly destroyed and down in that direction, less destroyed here, 你们知道,如果你看到在那边的建筑发生严重的损毁,但是这边的建筑损毁得没有那么严重
  then you know that it was over there, the blast, and you're going this way,  那么你就可以知道爆炸发生在那边,而你应该朝着这个方向走
  as long as you're going crosswise to the wind.  同时注意垂直于风的方向走
  Once you're out and evacuating, you want to keep as much of your skin, 每当你在户外或者在转移过程中,你需要尽可能地用东西盖住自己的皮肤
  your mouth and nose covered, as long as that covering doesn't impede you moving and getting out of there. 以及口鼻,只要这些覆盖物不会影响到你的移动和撤离
  And finally, you want to get decontaminated as soon as possible.  最后,你需要尽快去除身上的放射性污染
  And if you're wearing clothing, you've taken off your clothing,  如果你穿着衣服,最好找个地方把衣服脱掉
  you're going to get showered down some place  并且洗个澡
  and remove the radiation that would be -- the radioactive material that might be on you. 从而去除辐射污染,这些辐射物质这时候可能已经附着在你身上
  And then you want to stay in shelter for 48 to 72 hours minimum,  之后你需要在避难所里呆上至少48到72小时
  but you're going to wait hopefully -- you'll have your little wind-up, battery-less radio, 接下来就是等待了,最好的情况你能有个小型的、不需要电池的发条式收音机
  and you'll be waiting for people to tell you when it's safe to go outside. 一直等到有人告诉你什么时候外面已经安全了。
  That's what you need to do.  然后再走到外面来
  In conclusion, nuclear war is less likely than before, 总结一下,核战争已经不想以前那样了
  but by no means out of the question, and it's not survivable.  从前的核战争是几乎不能从中生还的。
  Nuclear terrorism is possible -- it may be probable -- but is survivable. 现在的核恐怖袭击是可能发生的,甚至可以说很有可能发生的,但是我们是有可能生还的
  And this is Jack Geiger, who's one of the heroes of the U.S. public health community. 这是杰克·盖格,他是美国公众健康界的英雄之一
  And Jack said the only way to deal with nuclear anything, 杰克说解决核问题的唯一方法
  whether it's war or terrorism, is abolition of nuclear weapons. 不管是核战争还是核恐怖袭击,就是废除核武器
  And you want something to work on once you've fixed global warming,  如果你想在全球变暖被解决后找点事情做
  I urge you to think about the fact that  我强烈建议你思考一下这个事实
  we have to do something about this unacceptable, inhumane reality of nuclear weapons in our world. 我们必须采取一些行动来解决这些不能被容忍的,不人道的核武器给我们这个世界所带来的问题
  Now, this is my favorite civil defense slide, and I -- I don't want to be indelicate, but this-- 这是我最喜欢的民事防御的宣传画,我不想成为一个粗鄙的人,不过这个--
  he's no longer in office. We don't really care, OK.  他已经不在任了,所以我们没必要认真,对吧。
  This was sent to me by somebody who is an aficionado of civil defense procedures, 这是某个人给我的,这个人非常热衷于民事防御建设
  but the fact of the matter is that America's gone through a very hard time. 但真正重要的事实是,美国已经经历了一段非常艰难的时期
  We've not been focused, we've not done what we had to do,  我们没有能够专注地去完成那些我们必须完成的事情
  and now we're facing the potential of bad, hell on Earth. 而现在我们面对的是可能将人间变成地狱的潜在危险
  Thank you.  谢谢大家。