
   This is the Ministry of Justice.  这是司法部。

  Behind that door is the National Judicial Archives. 那扇门后是国家司法档案馆。
  The fellow in the door, Andre Filitrault --  门旁站着的是安德烈·菲利亚特罗,
  who's the director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Earthquake Engineering Research at the University of Buffalo -- 他是布法罗大学跨学科地震工程研究中心的负责人,
  was examining it to see if it was safe to recover the archives. 他正在检查这栋建筑,以确认是否可以安全的重建档案馆。
  Andre told me,  安德烈告诉我,
  after seeing these buildings fail again and again in the same way, that there is no new research here. 在看到这些建筑不断的以同种方式倒下后,这儿没什么新的发现了。
  There is nothing here that we don't know.  没什么我们不知道的了。
  The failure points were the same:  问题的根源是相同的--
  walls and slabs not tied properly into columns --  墙和楼板之间没有用柱子正确的连接起来--
  that's a roof slab hanging off the building -- cantilevered structures, 这是挂在建筑上的天台楼板--悬臂式结构,
  or structures that were asymmetric, that shook violently and came down, 或是非对称结构,剧烈摇晃并垮塌,
  poor building materials, not enough concrete, not enough compression in the blocks, rebar that was smooth, 低劣的建筑材料,没有足够的混凝土,块与块之间没有足够的压缩空间,螺纹钢表面光滑,
  rebar that was exposed to the weather and had rusted away.  螺纹钢暴露在空气中并已经生锈了。
  Now there's a solution to all these problems. 现在对所有这些问题有个解决方案。
  And we know how to build properly.  我们知道如何进行适当的建设。
  The proof of this came in Chile, almost a month later, 证明来自智利,大约一个月后,
  when 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile. 当时8.8级的地震袭击了智利。
  That is 500 times the power of the 7.0 that hit Port-au-Prince -- 五百倍与7.0级地震的力量袭击了太子港--
  500 times the power, yet only under a thousand casualties. 五百倍的能量,然而只造成了低于一千的伤亡。
  Adjusted for population density,  考虑到人口密度,
  that is less than one percent of the impact of the Haitian quake. 这次地震造成的影响小于海地地震的百分之一。
  What was the difference between Chile and Haiti? 智利与海地之间有什么不同?
  Seismic standards and confined masonry, 抗震标准和砖石结构,
  where the building acts as a whole walls and columns and roofs and slabs tied together to support each other instead of breaking off into separate members and failing.  建筑物作为一个整体-- 墙、柱子、屋顶和楼板连接在一起,相互支撑, 以免断裂成块,坠落下来。
  If you look at this building in Chile, it's ripped in half, but it's not a pile of rubble. 你看看智利的这栋建筑, 它裂成两半,但并没有变成一堆瓦砾。
  Chileans have been building with confined masonry for decades. 智利人用砖混结构建筑房屋已经有几十年了。