
   But part of the reason 但另一方面的原因

  and that's the reason why we have ethical ground for pursuing these 即从人类的本质上看,它们也是很有价值的,
  is that they're also intrinsically valuable.  这也是为什么我们拥有追求这些特质的道德基础。
  It's just better to be able to understand more of the world around you  去理解你周围的世界和人
  and the people that you are communicating with,  以及记住所学的知识,
  and to remember what you have learned.  能让你变得更好。
  Modalities and special faculties.  不同的模式和特殊能力.
  Now, the human mind is not a single unitary information processor,  人类的思维并不是一个单一的信息处理器,
  but it has a lot of different, special, evolved modules that do specific things for us. 相反,它拥有许多不同的、特殊的、已进化的模块,这些模块各司其职,为我们服务。
  If you think about what we normally take as giving life a lot of its meaning --  想一下那些通常我们认为赋予生活许多意义的事物——
  music, humor, eroticism, spirituality, aesthetics,  音乐、幽默、性爱、灵性、美学
  nurturing and caring, gossip, chatting with people --  养育和关心、八卦、与他人聊天。
  all of these, very likely, are enabled by a special circuitry that we humans have, 所有的这些,都类似的由一个特殊的、每个人都具备的电路所启动,
  but that you could have another intelligent life form that lacks these.  但很可能,另外一种智慧生命形态却没有这些装置。
  We're just lucky that we have the requisite neural machinery  我们只是幸运地拥有了这种必备的神经装置
  to process music and to appreciate it and enjoy it.  来处理音乐,欣赏它,并从中得到乐趣。
  All of these would enable, in principle -- be amenable to enhancement.  所有的这些,从原则上说,都可以以某些方式改进。
  Some people have a better musical ability and ability to appreciate music than others have. 有些人拥有比他人优秀的音乐能力及更好的音乐欣赏能力。
  It's also interesting to think about what other things are --  如果想想其它事物的情况,那会很有意思
  so if these all enabled great values,  那么,如果这些事物都能带来宝贵的价值,
  why should we think that evolution has happened to provide us  为什么我们要认为,这些模式,
  with all the modalities we would need to engage with other values that there might be? 这些我们要用来与其他可能存在的价值体系来沟通的模式,是由进化凑巧提供的呢?