
   Imagine a species that just didn't have this neural machinery for processing music. 假设有这样一个物种,它们刚好没有能够处理音乐的神经装置。

  And they would just stare at us with bafflement  当我们花时间聆听一曲美妙的演奏时,
  when we spend time listening to a beautiful performance,  就像我们刚听到的那支,
  like the one we just heard -- because of people making stupid movements,  它们只能迷惑的盯着我们,因为觉得人们在做愚蠢的举动。
  and they would be really irritated and wouldn't see what we were up to.  并且它们会变得很烦躁,不知道我们到底在干什么。
  But maybe they have another faculty,  但是,它们可能具有另外一种能力,
  something else that would seem equally irrational to us, 一种同样对我们来说毫无意义的东西,
  but they actually tap into some great possible value there.  但它们的确会在这方面开发出一些美好的可能的价值。
  But we are just literally deaf to that kind of value.  但我们对那种价值就是充耳不闻。
  So we could think of adding on different, new sensory capacities and mental faculties. 因此,我们可以考虑增加不同的新式的感官机能和精神能力。
  Bodily functionality and morphology and affective self-control.  身体功能、形态以及情感自我控制。
  Greater subjective well-being.  更高层次的主观幸福。
  Be able to switch between relaxation and activity --  能够在放松和活动之间转换
  being able to go slow when you need to do that, and to speed up.  能够根据需要,或放慢速度或加快步伐。
  Able to switch back and forth more easily would be a neat thing to be able to do 能够进退更加自如是件很棒的事,
  easier to achieve the flow state,  它可以让我们更加容易进入心流状态,
  when you're totally immersed in something you are doing.  即一种完全沉浸于所做之事时的状态。
  Conscientiousness and sympathy.  责任心和同情心。
  The ability to -- it's another interesting application that would have large social ramification, perhaps. 这另一种有趣的能力会带来巨大的社会分歧问题。
  If you could actually choose to preserve your romantic attachments to one person, undiminished through time, 如果你真的能够保存你对另一个人的浪漫爱恋,不受时光侵蚀,
  so that wouldn't have to -- love would never have to fade if you didn't want it to.  那么,爱情就会随你心意,永葆灿烂。