
   And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that he doubted, 我越想越觉得他的怀疑是源自于

  because doubt is essential to faith.  怀疑是相信的必要部分
  If this seems a startling idea at first,  如果最初听起来让人吃惊的话
  consider that doubt, as Graham Greene once put it, is the heart of the matter. 就试想一下葛兰姆·葛林说过的话,怀疑是事情的核心部分
  Abolish all doubt, and what's left is not faith, but absolute, heartless conviction. 去除所有怀疑后,剩下的不会是信心,只有绝对的、没有感情的确定
  You're certain that you possess the Truth -- inevitably offered with an implied uppercase T -- 你确信你拥有真理--必然地附有一个大写的“T”--
  and this certainty quickly devolves into dogmatism and righteousness, 同时这种确信很快转移为教条主义和正义
  by which I mean a demonstrative, overweening pride in being so very right, 就是一种由于无比的正确而带有喜怒形于色的,过分自负的骄傲
  in short, the arrogance of fundamentalism.  简言之即是原教旨主义的傲慢
  It has to be one of the multiple ironies of history  这必定是历史上许多讽刺之一
  that a favorite expletive of Muslim fundamentalists  伊斯兰原教旨主义者喜爱的一句咒骂语
  is the same one once used by the Christian fundamentalists known as Crusaders: 和基督教原教旨主义者曾使用的相同,以十字军著名的
  "infidel," from the Latin for "faithless." “异教徒”源自于拉丁语中的“没有信仰”
  Doubly ironic, in this case, because their absolutism is in fact the opposite of faith. 更加讽刺的是,他们的绝对主义事实上正是信心的对立面