
   In fact, most of us do,  事实上,我们大多数也会拒绝

  whether we're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond, for that matter, 无论我们是无神论者或有神论者,或中间派或超越二者,就此而言
  what drives us is that, despite our doubts and even because of our doubts, we reject the nihilism of despair. 让我们前进的是:尽管我们会怀疑,甚至正是因为我们怀疑,我们排斥絶望的虚无主义
  We insist on faith in the future and in each other. 我们坚持信仰,对未来和对彼此皆是
  Call this naive if you like. Call it impossibly idealistic if you must. 随便你叫它做天真。叫它做不可能的理想主义
  But one thing is sure: Call it human. 但这点是确定的:叫它做人性
  Could Muhammad have so radically changed his world  穆罕穆德能彻底改变他的世界吗?
  without such faith, without the refusal to cede to the arrogance of closed-minded certainty? 没有信仰,不拒绝退让给抱成见的固执傲慢者?
  I think not.  我认为不会
  After keeping company with him as a writer for the past five years, 在过去五年里,作为一位陪伴他的作家
  I can't see that he'd be anything but utterly outraged at the militant fundamentalists 我看到他对那些被称为激进的原教旨主义者非常愤怒
  who claim to speak and act in his name in the Middle East and elsewhere today.  对那些今天在中东和其他地方藉他的名行事的人。
  He'd be appalled at the repression of half the population because of their gender. 他会对半数人口因为她们的性别而受到压抑感到大为震惊
  He'd be torn apart by the bitter divisiveness of sectarianism.  他会被宗派主义之间充满仇恨的分歧所折磨
  He'd call out terrorism for what it is,  他会大声叫喊那是恐怖主义
  not only criminal but an obscene travesty of everything he believed in and struggled for. 不仅是罪犯,还是对他所相信的、所奋斗的、令人厌恶的拙劣模仿
  He'd say what the Koran says: Anyone who takes a life takes the life of all humanity. 他会照着《古兰经》说:任何人夺走一条生命,就夺走了全人类的生命
  Anyone who saves a life, saves the life of all humanity.  任何人拯救一条生命,就拯救了全人类的生命
  And he'd commit himself fully to the hard and thorny process of making peace. Thank you. 他会全心全力地投入这条艰难的、充满荆棘的和平之路。谢谢