TED演讲: 一人饰演地球村内多个角色(7)(在线收听

   So, that was Noraida, and just like Lorraine and everybody else you're meeting today, 好吧,这就是诺埃达,就像珞琳和其他每一位你们今天要见到的人一样

  these are folks who are based on real people from my real life: friends, neighbors, family members. 这些朋友们的原型都来自我的真实生活,她们是我的朋友们邻居们和家人
  I come from a multicultural family.  我来自一个多元文化的大家庭
  In fact, the older lady you just met: very, very loosely based on a great aunt on my mother's side. 事实上,你们刚刚见到的那位老太太,有那么一点点像我妈妈家的一位阿姨
  It's a long story, believe me.  说来话长了,相信我
  But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to the United Nations school, 但除了我的家庭背景之外,我的父母还把我送进了联合国学校
  where I encountered a plethora of new characters, including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay. 在那里我结识了太多的新人,包括亚历山大,我的法语老师
  Well, you know, it was beginner French, that I am taking with her, you know.  要知道,那时候她教我们初级法语
  And it was Madame Bousson, you know, she was very...  布松女士非常...
  It was like, you know, she was there in the class, you know, she was kind of typically French. 要知道,在课堂上,她是那种典型的法国人
  You know, she was very chic, but she was very filled with ennui, you know.  她很时髦很优雅,但她又十分倦怠
  And she would be there, you know, kind of talking with the class, you know,  她在课堂上给我们讲
  talking about the, you know, the existential futility of life, you know.  讲生命的存在徒劳无益
  And we were only 11 years old, so it was not appropriate. But... 我们当时只有11岁,这个话题不太恰当。但是...
  Yes, I took German for three years... 是的,我学过三年德语...
  and it was quite the experience because I was the only black girl in the class, even in the UN school. 这个经历很特别,因为我是班里唯一的黑人姑娘,即便我上的是联合国学校
  Although, you know, it was wonderful. The teacher, Herr Schtopf, he never discriminated. Never. 但这经历很棒。我的德语老师施托普先生从来没有歧视过任何人。从来没有过。
  He always, always treated each of us, you know, equally unbearably during the class. 他一直从来都是公平对待我们每一个人,让我们每一个人在课堂上都不好受。