TED演讲: 我嘴里的乐队(4)(在线收听

   I got way too much time on my hands.  我的手可是闲得不得了啊

  And last but not least,  最后
  the one on my right here allows me to loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop my voice. 右边的这个功能让我能够重复重复重复重复重复重复重复重复我的声音
  So with all that in mind, ladies and gentlemen,  以上表演,女士们先生们
  I would like to take you on a journey to a completely separate part of Earth 我要带大家踏上一段旅程,去到一个与这个世界分离的地方
  as I transform the Sydney Opera House into a smoky downtown jazz bar. 我从悉尼歌剧院穿越到一个烟雾缭绕的闹市爵士酒吧
  All right boys, take it away.  好了朋友们,开始吧
  Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to a very special friend of mine, 女士们先生们,我要向大家介绍一位特别的朋友
  one of the greatest double bassists I know.  我认识的最伟大的低音歌手
  Mr. Smokey Jefferson, let's take it for a walk. Come on, baby.  烟枪杰弗逊先生,让我们开始吧
  All right, ladies and gentlemen,  好了,女士们先生们
  I'd like to introduce you to the star of the show,  我要向大家介绍这次演出的明星
  one of the greatest jazz legends of our time.  我们这个时代最伟大的爵士传奇之一
  Music lovers and jazz lovers alike,  音乐和爵士爱好者们
  please give a warm hand of applause for the one and only Mr. Peeping Tom. Take it away. 请大家热烈地鼓掌,欢迎独一无二的瞄眼汤姆先生。开始吧