TED演讲: 我的多调人声(3)(在线收听

   So once this thing really gets going,  一旦系统开始运作

  and it really starts to mangle the audio I'm putting into it,  它就会把我录进去的声音切成片段
  it becomes not obvious that it is the human voice,  人声的特点就不会那么明显了
  but it is, so I'm going to take you through it bit by bit and start nice and simple. 所以我先一点一点的带你们体验一下,来点儿简单易懂的
  So the polyphony problem: I've only got one voice.  有一个多声部的问题:我只有一个声音
  How do I get around the problem of really wanting to have as many different voices going on at the same time. 我该怎样克服希望它同时演奏很多不同声音这个问题呢
  The simplest way to do it is something like this.  最简单的方法是这样
  By dancing. It's like this. Thanks. 跳舞,像这样。谢谢
  So that's probably the easiest way.  这可能是最简单的方法
  But if you want to do something a little bit more immediate,  但如果你想做点更直接的
  something that you can't achieve with live looping, there's other ways to layer your voice up. 用实时循环功能都不能实现的事,还有其他办法实现声音层叠
  There's things like pitch-shifting, which are awesome, 比如说音调转变酷极了
  and I'm going to show you now what that sounds like.  现在我就给你们演示音调转变
  So I'm going to start another beat for you, like this.  我以另一个节拍开始,像这样