TED演讲: 我的多调人声(4)(在线收听

   There's always got to be a bit of a dance at the start,  开始总会先跳点儿小舞

  because it's just fun, so you can clap along if you want. 只是因为好玩儿,你们可以跟着节拍拍手
  You don't have to. It's fine. Check it out.  不一定非得拍,没关系,看着
  I'm going to lay down a bass sound now.  现在我要加入一个男低音
  And now, a rockabilly guitar.  接下来,乡村摇滚吉他
  Which is nice. But what if I want to make, say, a... 很好听,但如果我想加入...
  Thanks. What if I want to make, say, a rock organ?  谢谢,我想加入摇滚风琴呢
  Is that possible? Yes, it is, by recording myself like this. 能行吗?当然,把我自己的声音录进去,像这样
  And now I have that, I have that recorded. Assign it to a keyboard. 现在有了,我已经把它录进去了。现在把它转换到键盘上
  So that's cool. But what if I wanted to sound like the whole of Pink Floyd? 非常棒。但如果我想听起来像Pink Floyd乐队呢
  Impossible, you say. No.  你说不可能,错了
  It is possible, and you can do it very simply using this machine. 是可能的,有了这个机器,做起来小菜一碟
  It's really fantastic. Check it out.  真的很不可思议,看着啊