
   It's a song about people and sasquatches -- and other French science stuff. 这是一首有关人们和长毛野人的歌曲,还有些法国科技的玩意

  That's French science. Okay, here we go. 没错,法国科技。好,开唱
  I've been trying inside 我一直内心在争斗
  I know that I'm in trouble by myself 我知道我身陷囫囵
  But every time it gets me 但每次它困扰我
  And I've been trying to be the one that you believe in 我一直努力成为你信任的那个人
  And you're the one that I want to be so saucy 为了你,我才愿意变得这么挑逗
  And you can do anything as long as you don't get hurt along the way back 你可以做任何的事,只要事后你不会受到伤害
  If I survive, I'm gonna tell you what is wrong 若我能生存下来,会告诉你哪里出了问题?
  I give you what I want to be 我给予你我所能做到的一切。
  And it's like, you could use as many of those things that you want.  这些东西,你想用多少用多少。