TED演讲: 凌晨4点(1)(在线收听

   This is a recent comic strip from the Los Angeles Times. The punch line?  这是最近洛杉矶时报的一幅漫画。笑点是?

  "On the other hand, I don't have to get up at four every single morning to milk my Labrador." “另一方面,我不用每天凌晨4点起来,给我的拉布拉多猎犬喂奶。”
  This is a recent cover of New York Magazine.  这是纽约杂志最近的封面。
  Best hospitals where doctors say they would go for cancer treatment, births, strokes, heart disease, hip replacements, 4 a.m. emergencies. 这是最好的医院,医生说他们会去那里去治疗癌症,生育,中风,心脏病,换臀以及凌晨4点的急救。
  And this is a song medley I put together --  这是一首我混合的歌--
  Did you ever notice that four in the morning has become some sort of meme or shorthand? 你发现凌晨4点成了什么?仿佛迷因或者缩略符号?
  It means something like you are awake at the worst possible hour.  它意味着你在最糟糕的时辰醒来。
  A time for inconveniences, mishaps, yearnings.  那是一个不便,意外,渴望的时间,
  A time for plotting to whack the chief of police, like in this classic scene from "The Godfather." 一个暗算攻击警察局长的时间,就像《教父》中的经典镜头。
  Coppola's script describes these guys as, "exhausted in shirt sleeves. It is four in the morning." Coppola的剧本将这些人描述成:“那些人穿着短袖,筋疲力竭,现在是凌晨4点”
  A time for even grimmer stuff than that, like autopsies and embalmings in Isabel Allende's "The House of the Spirits." 还有比那个更冷酷的,像伊丽莎白·阿连德《精灵之屋》里的剖尸防腐。
  After the breathtaking green-haired Rosa is murdered, the doctors preserve her with unguents and morticians' paste. 当惊艳的绿发女郎Rosa被害以后,医生用油膏和处置尸体的防腐剂来保存她。
  They worked until four o'clock in the morning.  他们一直工作到4点