
   Now, I use my music to reach people's hearts and have found there are no boundaries. 现在,我用我的音乐来打动人们的心灵,并发现这是没有边界的。

  My audience is anyone who is here to listen, even those who are not familiar with classical music. 我的听众是所有愿意倾听的人,包括那些对古典音乐不熟悉的人。
  I not only play at the prestigious classical concert halls like Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center, 我不仅在著名的古典音乐厅表演,类如卡内基音乐厅、肯尼迪中心等,
  but also hospitals, churches, prisons, and restricted facilities for leprosy patients, just to mention a few. 还在医院、教会、监狱和麻风病患者隔离区表演。这只是几个例子。
  Now, with my last piece, I'd like to show you  现在,我想用最后一首曲子告诉你们
  that classical music can be so much fun, exciting, and that it can rock you. 古典音乐也有有趣、激动人心的一面,它能够震撼你们。
  Let me introduce you to my brand new project, "Baroque in Rock," which became a golden disc most recently. 我要介绍一个我的全新项目,“摇滚式的巴洛克”,它最近获得了韩国金唱片奖。
  It's such an honor for me.  我感到十分荣耀。
  I think, while I'm enjoying my life as a happy musician,  我很享受作为一名快乐的音乐家的生活,
  I'm earning a lot more recognition than I've ever imagined. But it's now your turn. 并得到了超乎想象的认可。但现在轮到你了。
  Changing your perspectives will not only transform you but also the whole world. 思维的转变不只会改变你,也会改变整个世界。
  Just play your life with all you have, and share it with the world. 去尽情地享受你们的人生并与这个世界分享。
  I really look forward to witnessing a transforming world by you, TEDsters. 我真心期待看到一个由所有TED成员们改造的世界。
  Play your life, and stay tuned.  享受生活,保持期待。