乔布斯传 第459期:iMac发布会(6)(在线收听

   "If you go to slots, you will always be behind on the technology," Rubinstein argued. “如果你要做吸入式光驱,那你就会永远在技术上落后一步。”鲁宾斯坦坚持道。

  "I don't care, that's what I want," Jobs snapped back. “我不在乎,我就是要这么做。”乔布斯毫不让步。
  They were having lunch at a sushi bar in San Francisco, and Jobs insisted that they continue the conversation over a walk. 他们当时正在旧金山的一家寿司店吃午餐,直到饭后散步时,他们的对话仍在继续。
  "I want you to do the slot-load drive for me as a personal favor," Jobs asked. “就算是我以个人名义请你帮个忙,帮我做吸入式光驱吧。”乔布斯请求道。
  Rubinstein agreed, of course, but he turned out to be right. 鲁宾斯坦当然不能拒绝,但是后来事实证明,他是正确的。
  Panasonic came out with a CD drive that could rip and burn music, 松下推出了一款读写兼备且能刻录的CD光驱,
  and it was available first for computers that had old-fashioned tray loaders. 而且是先装在那些使用“过时的”CD托盘的计算机上。
  The effects of this would ripple over the next few years: 这件事的影响在之后的儿年中以非常有趣的方逐渐扩散开来:
  It would cause Apple to be slow in catering to users who wanted to rip and burn their own music, 它导致了苹果公司无法满足用户想要自己刻录音乐光盘的需求,
  but that would then force Apple to be imaginative and bold in finding a way to leapfrog over its competitors 但是这也恰恰促使苹果公司发挥想象力,大胆地寻找一条越级攀升的道路,
  when Jobs finally realized that he had to get into the music market. 直到最终,乔布斯决定进军音乐市场。