
   So why was I stalling? I realized that what I was being pitched was a binary solution. 我到底在迟疑什么?我发觉这是因为我把它当作一个二分法的问题。

  It was either you're a meat eater or you're a vegetarian,  你需要决定你到底是吃肉还是吃素
  and I guess I just wasn't quite ready. Imagine your last hamburger. 我想我实在没做好心理准备,想象最后的一个汉堡。
  So my common sense, my good intentions, were in conflict with my taste buds. 于是乎我的常识,我的用意良善和我的味蕾产生了矛盾。
  And I'd commit to doing it later, and not surprisingly, later never came. Sound familiar? 我总是想着之后再做,之后却永远不会来,听起来很熟悉吗?
  So I wondered, might there be a third solution? 于是我想着,或许应该有第三种选择?
  And I thought about it, and I came up with one. 经过思考以后,我想出了一个。
  I've been doing it for the last year, and it's great. It's called weekday veg. 去年我便这么实行,感觉很好,叫做周间素食。
  The name says it all: Nothing with a face Monday through Friday. 事如其名,礼拜一到五不吃任何有脸的东西。
  On the weekend, your choice. Simple. 周末,自由选择,如此简单。
  If you want to take it to the next level, remember, 如果你想更进一步,记得,
  the major culprits in terms of environmental damage and health are red and processed meats. 红肉和经处理的肉类是今日破坏环境和健康的罪魁祸首
  So you want to swap those out with some good, sustainably harvested fish. 如果你想要和它们说不,你也可以改为食用一些以不破坏环境平衡养殖的鱼类。
  It's structured, so it ends up being simple to remember, and it's okay to break it here and there. 有了这样的规律,就比较容易记得,偶尔犯戒也没关系。
  After all, cutting five days a week is cutting 70 percent of your meat intake. 毕竟五天不吃肉,减少七成的肉。