
   The program has been great, weekday veg 我很喜欢周间素食这个点子

  My footprint's smaller, I'm lessening pollution,  我的碳足迹小了,我减低了污染
  I feel better about the animals, I'm even saving money. 我对动物感觉好些了,甚至还存了一点钱
  Best of all, I'm healthier, I know that I'm going to live longer,  最棒的是,我更健康了,我知道我会更长命
  and I've even lost a little weight. 甚至还瘦了一些
  So, please ask yourselves, for your health, for your pocketbook, for the environment, for the animals: 于是,请大家今天自问,为了你的健康,你的财富,为了环境和动物,
  What's stopping you from giving weekday veg a shot? 为什么不试试做个周间的素食者呢?
  After all, if all of us ate half as much meat, 如果我们所有人都少吃一半的肉
  it would be like half of us were vegetarians. Thank you. 那就像我们之中有一半人是素食者一样。谢谢大家。