
   Number one: I wish I hadn't worked so hard. 第一位:我希望我工作没有那么卖力。

  Number two: I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 第二位:我希望我和我的朋友们一直保持联系。
  Number three: I wish I had let myself be happier. 第三位:我希望我能让自己过得跟快乐些。
  Number four: I wish I'd had the courage to express my true self. 第四位:我希望我曾鼓励过我做真正的自己。
  And number five: I wish I'd lived a life true to my dreams, instead of what others expected of me. 第五位: 我希望我曾为我的梦想而活,而不是按照别人的要求苟活。
  Now, as far as I know, no one ever told one of the hospice workers, 现在,据我所知,没有一个人告诉善终医院的工作人员,
  "I wish I'd spent more time playing video games," 我希望我曾花多一点的时间打电子游戏,
  but when I hear these top five regrets of the dying, 但当我听到这五个说得最多的临终遗憾时候,
  I can't help but hear five deep human cravings that games actually help us fulfill. 我真的帮不上什么忙,而只能听听人类内心深处的渴望,游戏其实能帮助我们活得充实。
  For example, I wish I hadn't worked so hard. 例如这句,我希望我工作没有那么卖力。
  For many people, this means, I wish I'd spent more time with my family, with my kids when they were growing up. 对许多人来说,这意味着,我希望我曾经花跟多的时间和我的家人在一起,陪伴我的孩子长大。
  Well, we know that playing games together has tremendous family benefits. 很好,我们知道一起打游戏有极好的家庭益处。
  A recent study from Brigham Young University School of Family Life reported 伯明翰杨大学最近的研一个关于学校的家庭生活研究报告指出
  that parents who spend more time playing video games with their kids have much stronger real-life relationships with them. 多花时间和孩子们打游戏的家长们,和孩子们在现实生活中的关系更紧密。
  "I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends." 我希望我和我的朋友们一直保持联系。
  Hundreds of millions of people use social games like FarmVille or Words With Friends 是呢,成千上万的人们借助社交的游戏像Farmville或者Words,
  to stay in daily contact with real-life friends and family. 在现实生活中和朋友们去保持每天的联系。
  A recent study from the University of Michigan showed that these games are incredibly powerful relationship-management tools. 一个最近的Michigan大学的研究表明,这些游戏是难以置信的有力的人际交往工具。
  They help us stay connected with people in our social network that we would otherwise grow distant from, 它们帮助我们保持和人际圈里的人一直联系。我们就渐渐疏远了,
  if we weren't playing games together. 如果我们不一起打游戏的话。