
   Here are the top five things that people with post-traumatic growth say: "My priorities have changed." 这是排在前五位的被创伤后精神再生的人们说过的话:我做事情的优先级改变了。

  "I'm not afraid to do what makes me happy." "I feel closer to my friends and family." 我再也不害怕去做那些能让我开心的事了。我感觉到我和我的家人和朋友们的关系更紧密了。
  "I understand myself better. I know who I really am now." 我能更好的了解我自己。我知道真正的自己了。
  "I have a new sense of meaning and purpose in my life." 我对生活的意义有了新的定义。
  "I'm better able to focus on my goals and dreams." 我现在更能专注于我的目标和理想了。
  Now, does this sound familiar? It should, 现在听起来这些有点熟悉了吗?应该的,
  because the top five traits of post-traumatic growth are essentially the direct opposite of the top five regrets of the dying. 因为这五大创伤后精神再生的特质,正好基本上和五大临终遗憾是相反的。
  Now this is interesting, right? It seems that somehow, 现在看来很有趣,不是吗?看起来在某种程度上,
  a traumatic event can unlock our ability to lead a life with fewer regrets. 一次精神重创能开启我们的能力,去成就一个遗憾相对少些的人生。
  But how does it work? How do you get from trauma to growth? 但是这到底是什么样的一个过程?你怎么样能从创伤中再生?
  Or better yet, is there a way to get all the benefits of post-traumatic growth without the trauma, 更积极一点,有没有一种方法,可以获得创伤后精神再生的这些好处但不经历外伤,
  without having to hit your head in the first place? That would be good, right? 你的头也没有被重击过?这听起来很好,不是么?
  I wanted to understand the phenomenon better, so I devoured the scientific literature, and here's what I learned. 我想去更好地了解这个现象,于是我认真地阅读科学的文章,下面是我所了解到的。
  There are four kinds of strength, or resilience, that contribute to post-traumatic growth, 这里存在着四种意志力或适应力,都起源于创伤后精神再生,
  and there are scientifically validated activities that you can do every day to build up these four kinds of resilience, 你们可以每天做一些经过科学验证的活动,来加强这四类意志力
  and you don't need a trauma to do it. 并且你不需要通过受创来实现。
  Now I could tell you what these four types of strength are, but I'd rather you experience them firsthand. 现在我可以直接告诉你这是四种意志力是什么,但我更想和你们一起实践。
  I'd rather we all start building them up together right now. 我更想和你们一起开始去加强它们。
  Here's what we're going to do. We'll play a quick game together. 所以这是我们接下来要做的,我们要一起很快地做一个游戏。
  This is where you earn the seven and a half minutes of bonus life that I promised you earlier. 这样你就可以得到我刚才许诺过你们的那七分半钟的额外寿命。
  All you have to do is successfully complete the first four SuperBetter quests. 你唯一需要做的就是成功地完成最开始的四个“超级棒”任务。
  And I feel like you can do it. I have confidence in you. 我觉得你们可以做到,我对你们有信心。