
   Cuttlefish. I love cuttlefish. This is a Giant Australian Cuttlefish.  墨鱼,我很喜欢墨鱼。这是一只巨型澳大利亚墨鱼。

  And there he is, his droopy little eyes up here. But they can do pretty amazing things, too.  看它,看它那双无精打采的眼睛。不过它们能做很神奇的事。
  Here we're going to see one backing into a crevice,  我们马上就能看到它退入到礁石的夹缝中去,
  and watch his tentacles -- he just pulls them in, makes them look just like algae. Disappears right into the background.  注意它的触角,它就这样把触角拉进来,使自己看起来像海藻一样。刹那就消失在背景中。
  Positively amazing. Here's two males fighting.  多神奇!这又是两只雄性在搏斗。
  Once again, they're smart enough, these cephalopods; they know not to hurt each other.  当然,这些头足类非常聪明,他们知道如何不会伤害到对方。
  But look at the patterns that they can do with their skin. That's an amazing thing. 不过看下它们能够利用皮肤来变换图案。怎么样?很神奇吧!
  Here's an octopus. Sometimes they don't want to be seen when they move, because predators can see them.  这是个章鱼。有时候,它们不想被别人发现它们在移动,因为那些食肉动物会发现它们。
  This guy can make himself look like a rock, and, looking at his environment,  看,这个家伙把自己弄的像石头一样,观察着它周围的环境,
  can actually slide across the bottom, using the waves and the shadows so he can't be seen.  然后滑过水底,利用波纹和阴影来隐藏自己,从而不被发现。
  His motion blends right into the background -- the moving rock trick. 就是这样,无声无息地融入环境之中。这就是移动石头的手法。