
   So, we're learning lots new from the shallow water. 我们从浅海中学到了很多新东西。

  Still exploring the deep, but learning lots from the shallow water.  继续来探索下深海领域,同时从浅海中学到很多新东西。
  There's a good reason why: the shallow water's full of predators -- here's a barracuda 这有个原因来解释:在浅海里,到处都是捕猎者。这是条梭鱼。
  and if you're an octopus or a cephalopod, you need to really understand how to use your surroundings to hide. 如果你是条章鱼或是头足类动物的话,你确实需要知道怎么利用周围的环境来隐藏自己。
  In the next scene, you're going to see a nice coral bottom.  下个画面里,你可以看到一个美丽的珊瑚。
  And you see that an octopus would stand out very easily there if you couldn't use your camouflage,  你会发现,一条章鱼如果不进行伪装,极易被发现。
  use your skin to change color and texture.  伪装是改变你皮肤的颜色和纹理。
  Here's some algae in the foreground -- and an octopus. Ain't that amazing? 前面这里有些海藻,还有一条章鱼。难道不神奇么?
  Now, Roger spooked him, so he took off in a cloud of ink, and when he lands, the octopus says,  不过现在,显然Roger(摄影师)吓到了它,它马上释放烟雾弹--墨水来掩护逃脱。当它停下来,会想,
  "Oh, I've been seen. The best thing to do is to get as big as I can get."  “啊,我被发现了,那我最好变到最大来保护下自己。”
  That big brown makes his eyespot very big. So, he's bluffing. Let's do it backwards.  那片棕色让它的眼睛看起来十分大。它在唬人。让我们看一次倒放。
  I thought he was joking when he first showed it to me. I thought it was all graphics.  我第一次看到的时候还以为他在开玩笑呢。我以为是电脑特效。
  So here it is in reverse. Watch the skin color; watch the skin texture.  让我们看看倒放。注意看它皮肤的颜色以及皮肤的纹理。
  Just an amazing animal, it can change color and texture to match the surroundings.  多么神奇的动物,可以改变自己的颜色和质地来变得和背景一样。
  Watch him blend right into this algae. One, two, three. 看它消失在海藻中。一,二,三。
  And now he's gone, and so am I. Thank you very much. 它不见了,我也该下去了。谢谢大家!