
   If we aren't going to be afraid of conflict, we have to see it as thinking, and then we have to get really good at it.  如果我们不惧怕矛盾的话,我们必须把它当作思考,然后我们必须变得很擅长。

  So, recently, I worked with an executive named Joe, and Joe worked for a medical device company.  因此,最近,我在和一个叫Joe的行政人员工作,Joe为一家医疗设备公司工作。
  And Joe was very worried about the device that he was working on.  他很担心他正在工作的这台医疗设备。
  He thought that it was too complicated and he thought that its complexity created margins of error that could really hurt people.  实在太复杂了,以至于这台机器可能会产生一些错误去伤害人们。
  He was afraid of doing damage to the patients he was trying to help.  他很害怕去伤害那些他想帮助的人们。
  But when he looked around his organization, nobody else seemed to be at all worried.  不过他看了看周围的人,没人似乎有这种担心。
  So, he didn't really want to say anything. After all, maybe they knew something he didn't.  因此,他不想把自己的想法说出来,毕竟,其他人可能知道他有不知道的东西。
  Maybe he'd look stupid. But he kept worrying about it,  这样他会看起来很愚蠢。但是他始终非常担心,
  and he worried about it so much that he got to the point where he thought the only thing he could do was leave a job he loved. 以至于他到达一种程度,他觉得唯一可以做的事情,就是辞掉他热爱的工作。
  In the end, Joe and I found a way for him to raise his concerns.  最后,Joe和我找到一个提升他担心关注度的方法。
  And what happened then is what almost always happens in this situation.  结果呢,总是发生的事情果然再一次发生了。
  It turned out everybody had exactly the same questions and doubts.  所有人其实都有着同样的问题和怀疑。
  So now Joe had allies. They could think together.  所以现在Joe和他的伙伴。他们可以往一处去思考。