
   It's a bit of a cross of my arm. 一些手臂的交叉。

  So all I'm doing is exploring this space of "T" and flashing through it with some action.  我在做的仅仅是探索“T”的空间,通过一些动作穿梭于这个空间。
  I'm not remembering what I'm doing.  我没有在记忆我做过的动作。
  I'm just working on my task. My task is this "T." Going to watch it from the side, whoa. Strike moment. That's it. 我只是在做我的任务。我的任务是“T"。从这侧看一下,哇。爆发的时候。就是它。
  So we're starting to build a phrase. 所以我们开始组建一个词语。
  So what they're doing, let's see, something like that, so what they're doing is grasping aspects of that movement and they're generating it into a phrase.  所以他们在做的,让我们看一下,类似那样的,他们在做的是抓住那个动作的某些方面用它来生成一个词语。
  You see the speed is extremely quick, yeah?  你可以看到这速度相当快,是吗?
  I'm not asking them to copy exactly. They're using the information that they receive to generate the beginnings of a phrase.  我并没有要求他们完全复制我的动作。他们用他们获取的信息来生成一句话的开始。
  I can watch that and that can tell me something about how it is that they're moving. Yeah, they're super quick, right? 我可以观看它,它能告诉我一些东西关于他们在舞动些什么。他们现在已经很快了,是吗?
  So I've taken this aspect of TED and translated it into something that's physical.  所以我用了TED的这一方面,把它翻译成有形的东西。
  Some dancers, when they're watching action, take the overall shape, the arc of the movement, the kinetic sense of the movement, and use that for memory.  一些舞者,当他们观察动作的时候,吸取的是大致的形状,动作的弧线,动作的动力感,以此作为信息的来源。
  Some work very much in specific detail. They start with small little units and build it up.  有些则比较关注细节。他们以很小的单元开始,慢慢构建。
  Okay, you've got something? One more thing. 好,你体会到些什么了吗?还有一点。