美国语文第六册 第23期:生活中通常貌似真实的计划(5)(在线收听

   Sometimes, I was afraid lest I should be charged with ingratitude; 有时,我真的担心自己被指责忘恩负义,

  but I still proposed to travel, and therefore would not confine myself by marriage. 不过我仍然打算出去见世面,因此不会受婚姻的束缚。
  "In my fiftieth year, I began to suspect that the time of my traveling was past; 在我五十岁时,我开始怀疑自己旅行的愿望恐要化为泡影,
  and thought it best to lay hold on the felicity yet in my power, and indulge myself in domestic pleasures. 尽管我一生中的华年都用来追求影响力所带来的幸福,而未能享受家庭之快乐。
  But, at fifty, no man easily finds a woman beautiful as the houries, and wise as Zobeide. 但是,人生五十有谁还能轻易找到貌美如花,像佐贝德那样聪明的女人。
  I inquired and rejected, consulted and deliberated, till the sixty-second year made me ashamed of wishing to marry. 我到处打听,屡屡碰壁,直到六十二岁那年我方为自己想结婚的愿望而羞愧。
  I had now nothing left but retirement; and for retirement I never found a time, till disease forced me from public employment. 现在,我除了归隐林下还有什么呢。可是,我一直没有时间真正停下来过隐居生活,直到疾病迫使我辞去公职。
  "Such was my scheme, and such has been its consequence. 这就是我的计划,这就是我的计划所导致的后果。
  With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I trifled away the years of improvement; 对知识怀有难以满足的饥渴,可我却浪费了个人际遇能获得改善的那段岁月;
  with a restless desire of seeing different countries, I have always resided in the same city; 对一览各个不同国家抱有难以遏制的愿望,可是我却始终住在同一座城市;
  with the highest expectation of connubial felicity, I have lived unmarried; 对婚姻幸福抱有最高程度的渴望,可是我却终生未娶;
  and with an unalterable resolution of contemplative retirement, I am going to die within the walls of Bagdad." 下定决心要过归隐林下的宁静生活,可是看来我终将在巴格达城里了此一生了。