美国语文第六册 第42期:诗歌采英(2)(在线收听

   A Good Name. 好名声

  From Shakespeare.—Othello, Act III, Scene III. 选自莎士比亚:《奥瑟罗》,第三幕第三场
  Good name, in man or woman, dear my lord, 我亲爱的大人,无论男人女人,名誉
  Is the immediate jewel of their souls. 是他们灵魂里面最贴近的珍宝。
  Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 偷窃我的钱囊的人,偷窃的仅是一些废物,可有可无之物,
  Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; 从我之手如他人之手,千万人的奴隶;
  But he that filches from me my good name, 可是,谁偷去了我的名誉,
  Robs me of that which not enriches him, 他并不会因此而富足,
  And makes me poor indeed. 我却因为失去它而一无所有。
  Sunrise. 日出
  By Thomson 汤姆逊
  But yonder comes the powerful king of day, 远处来的是主宰青天白日的王,
  Rejoicing in the east. The lessening cloud, 欣喜而陶然。渐渐稀薄的云,
  The kindling azure, and the mountain's brow, Illumed with liquid gold, his near approach 火烧般的蔚蓝色,还有高山幽壑,映出流彩的金色,他翩然而至
  Betoken glad. Lo! now apparent all, 预示着愉快。瞧!现在一切清晰可见
  Aslant the dew-bright earth and colored air 露珠欲滴的大地倾斜着,还有五彩缤纷的空气
  He looks in boundless majesty abroad, 他的威严无限,
  And sheds the shining day that, burnished, plays On rocks, and hills, and towers, and wandering streams, 播下阳光明媚的天空,倾洒在岩石上,山谷间,塔楼和蜿蜒的小溪也享受到阳光的温存,
  High gleaming from afar. 从远处熠熠生辉。