美国语文第六册 第64期:机智和才能(2)(在线收听

   There is no want of dramatic talent, there is no want of dramatic tact; but they are seldom together: 我们不必非得有戏剧才能,也不必非得具备戏剧性的机智本领。可是两者很少能结合到一起。

  so we have successful pieces which are not respectable, and respectable pieces which are not successful. 因此,我们能成功但不一定受到尊敬,受到尊敬的不一定能取得成功。
  Take them to the bar, and let them shake their learned curls at each other in legal rivalry; 不妨将两者置于酒吧环境下来考察。
  talent sees its way clearly, but tact is first at its journey's end. 才能明确地发现自己的所长,但机智则会第一个到达目的地。
  Talent has many a compliment from the bench, but tact touches fees. 才能会博得众人许多恭维,而机智则会得到免费的礼遇。
  Talent makes the world wonder that it gets on no faster, tact arouses astonishment that it gets on so fast. 才能会使这个世界迷茫而裹足不前,机智则会令世界取得惊人的进步。
  And the secret is, that it has no weight to carry; it makes no false steps; 个中的秘密在于,在这个环境下才能的影响力无从传达出来,而机智则不会犯半点错误;
  it hits the right nail on the head; it loses no time; 它切中要害,不会浪费任何时间;
  it takes all hints; and, by keeping its eye on the weathercock, is ready to take advantage of every wind that blows. 再者,那些密切关注风向标的人,随时会利用吹来的每股风,自己无往而不利。
  Take them into the church: talent has always something worth hearing, tact is sure of abundance of hearers; 还有,我们再将两者置于教堂里进行比较。才能始终有值得倾听的东西,而机智肯定拥有大量听众;
  talent may obtain a living, tact will make one; 才能也许可以用来谋生,但机智可以创造一个新生活。
  talent gets a good name, tact a great one; 才能会使人博得好名声,而机智可以使其成为伟人。
  talent convinces, tact converts; talent is an honor to the profession, tact gains honor from the profession. 才能有说服力,而机智则可以改变一个人;才能对于职业而言是一种荣誉,而机智却可以从职业获得荣誉。