
   I'm fascinated with the idea of what happens when you merge biology with technology,  我非常着迷于这点子,要是把科技和生物学融合在一起会发生什么,

  and I remember reading about this idea of being able to reprogram biology, in the future, away from disease and aging.  我记得曾经读过一个点子,是关于在未来我们可以通过改变生物内在编码来克服疾病与衰老。
  And I thought about this concept of, imagine if we could reprogram our own body odor, modify and biologically enhance it,  我还想到了另一个点子,想象一下如果我们可以重塑身体的气味,修改它并且从生物性能上增强它,
  and how would that change the way that we communicate with each other?  这会怎样影响我们互相交流的方式呢?
  Or the way that we attract sexual partners?  又会怎样影响我们寻找炮友的途径呢?
  And would we revert back to being more like animals, more primal modes of communication?  我们会退回到最初,像动物那样用最原始的手段来交流吗?
  I worked with a synthetic biologist, and I created a swallowable perfume,  我曾跟一个合成生物学家共事过,我们创造出了一种可食用的香水,
  which is a cosmetic pill that you eat and the fragrance comes out through the skin's surface when you perspire.  其实就是个能吃的化妆药片,然后当你出汗的时候香味就会从你的肌肤表面散发出来。
  It completely blows apart the way that perfume is, and provides a whole new format.  这彻底颠覆了以前大家对香水的印象,并且提供了一种全新的方式。
  It's perfume coming from the inside out. It redefines the role of skin, and our bodies become an atomizer. 这种香水从内而外的散发出来,它重新定义了肌肤的功能,并且我们的身体变成了一个香水喷瓶。
  I've learned that there's no boundaries, and if I look at the evolution of my work I can see threads and connections that make sense.  我现在知道了我的工作进展,其实是有着广阔前景的,我的确可以看到有一些链接和节点贯穿着这个前景。
  But when I look towards the future, the next project is completely unknown and wide open.  不过当我展望未来时,我的下一个作品又是完全未知而开放的。
  I feel like I have all these ideas existing embedded inside of me,  我觉得我身体内装满了不同的点子,
  and it's these conversations and these experiences that connect these ideas, and they kind of instinctively come out. 就是这些对话与经历让我本能似的把我的想法给组合起来。
  As a body architect, I've created this limitless and boundless platform for me to discover whatever I want.  作为一个人体建筑师,我已经为自己创造了一个无拘无束,没有限制的平台让我可以去寻找我想要的。
  And I feel like I've just got started. 我现在感觉我才刚刚开始。
  So here's to another day at the office. 那么,新的一天里要开始工作啦!
  Thank you! 谢谢大家!
  Thank you! 谢谢啊!