大家说英语 第479期:回家过节(1)(在线收听

   Are you going home for the holidays, Taylor? 泰勒,你要回家过这个节日吗?

  Yes. I'm flying to Vancouver on Friday. 是啊。我周五要飞去温哥华。
  So you'll be with your family for Christmas on Sunday? 那你周日会和自己的家人一起过圣诞节?
  Exactly. And you? How will you get to New Jersey this year? 没错。你呢?你今年要怎么去新泽西呢?
  I'll go by car, although it's a 12-hour drive. 我会开车去,不过车程要12小时。
  Wow! That's a long drive. Drive carefully! Winter driving can be dangerous. 哇!车程好长。开车小心些!在冬天开车可能很危险。
  Hey, Ben. Where are you going for the holidays? 嗨,本。你这个假期要去哪里?
  I'm going home to Texas. 我要回我德克萨斯的家。
  That's a long way from here. How long is your flight? 从这里过去距离很长啊。你飞机航程要多长时间?
  About three hours. My plane departs at 6 a.m. on Friday. 大约三个小时。我的航班周五早上六点起飞。
  You chose well. We have Friday and Monday off work. 你选得很好。我们周五和周一不上班。
  Yes. I can't wait to get home for the holidays! 是的。我都等不及回家过节了!
  Taylor, are you going to the Jungle Cafe after work? 泰勒,你下班之后要去丛林咖啡店吗?
  No, I have to pack for my trip to Vancouver. 不去,我要为我去温哥华打包行李。
  Ah, yes. You're going home to see your family. 啊,是啊。你要回家看你的家人。
  Yes. I can't wait. My mom's food is the best! 是啊。我等不及了。我妈妈做的食物是最好的!
  Wonderful! What will you eat in Vancouver? 太棒了!你在温哥华吃什么?
  Well, on Christmas day, we'll have a big roast beef dinner. 恩,在圣诞节那天,我们会来一顿烤牛肉大餐。