
   Finance and economics 财经

  Markets: Boo! 市场:哈!
  After a long period of calm, investors get a shock. 一阵平静过后,投资者们受一重击。
  Every good horror-film director knows the secret of the “jump scare”. 每位优秀的恐怖片导演都深谙“猛地吓人一跳”之道。
  Just when the hero or heroine feels safe, the monster appears from nowhere to startle them. 就在男主或女主觉得安全时,不知道从哪里出来的妖怪让他们大吃一惊。
  The latest stockmarket shock could have been directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 最近的股市震荡可能是由希区柯克一手导演的。
  The sharp falls that took place on February 2nd and 5th followed a long period where the only direction for share prices appeared to be upwards. 发生在2月2日和5日的急剧下跌缘起于一段漫长的股价在其间的唯一走势似乎就是向上的时期。
  In fact the American market had risen so far,so fast that the decline only took share prices back to where they were at the start of the year. 实际上,美国股市上涨了这么远,涨得这么快,使得这次下跌不过是把股价带回到了年初的地方。
  And although a 1,175-point fall in the DowJones Industrial Average on February 5th was the biggest ever in absolute terms,  而且,尽管道琼斯工业平均指数在2月5日的1175点的下跌,从绝对数值上来说是史上最大的。
  it was still smallish beer in proportionateterms, at just 4.6%. 但是,从百分比上来看,它仍旧是小菜一碟,只有4.6%。
  The 508-point fall in the Dow in October 1987 knocked nearly 23% off the market. 道指在1987年10月的508点下跌曾经把市场砍去了将近23%。
  Still, surprise rippled round the world. 尽管如此,惊恐仍然波及了全世界。
  Between January 29th and early trading on February 7th, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index dropped by 7.5%. 在从1月29日到2月7日的早间交易中,MSCI新兴市场指数跌去了7.5%。
  The FTSE 100 index fell by 8.2% from its record high, set in January. FTSE100指数从其今年1月分创下的历史高位下跌了8.2%。
  A late recovery on February 6th, in which the Dow rebounded by 2.3% (or 567 points), restored some calm. 一次道指在其间反弹了2.3%(或567点)的后来的反攻多少恢复了某些平静。