
   Understanding Donald Trump's intentions has bedevilled China since he took office. 自唐纳德·特朗普上任以来,理解他的意图成了中国的困扰。

  So it continued this week when the American president made comments that could signal a big escalation in the two countries' trade war—or that a resolution is near. 这周也一样,当时美国总统发表了评论,这些评论可以是两国贸易战争大升级的信号—或者表示这贸易战争的解决近在咫尺。
  "I think we'll make a great deal with China," he told Fox News in an interview. “我认为我们将会和中国达成一大笔交易,”在福克斯新闻的一次采访中他说道。
  But, he added, if talks sputter, America will impose tariffs on all goods from China. 但是,他补充到,如果谈判破裂,那么美国将对所有来自中国的商品征收关税。
  Having already hit $250bn-worth of annual Chinese imports with tariffs, America could target the remaining $267bn. 美国已经对价值2500亿美元的年度中国进口商品征收了关税,它的目标可能是剩下的2670亿美元。
  A bilateral meeting between Mr Trump and Xi Jinping, China's president, 特朗普和中国国家主席习近平将在
  later this month at a G20 summit in Buenos Aires should determine which outcome is more likely. 本月月末于布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的G20峰会上会晤,此次双边会议将决定其结果到底如何。
  First, though, Mr Xi will be pressing China's case in the court of global opinion. 虽然首先,习主席会在全球舆论审视中强调中国的国情。
  On November 5th he will open a huge trade show in Shanghai designed to demonstrate to the world that China's prosperity benefits all. 11月5日,他将在上海举行一场大型贸易展览,意图向世界展现中国的繁荣让世界受益。
  Chinese trade shows have traditionally focused on helping its exporters to attract foreign customers. 一般中国贸易展览的重点都是帮助本国出口商吸引外国客户。
  The inaugural China International Import Expo will instead aim to help foreign companies entice Chinese buyers. 而中国国际进口博览会将旨在帮助国外公司吸引中国买家。
  Mr Xi, as well as innumerable Chinese officials and business leaders, will proclaim that China does not seek a trade surplus. 习主席和无数的中国官员及商业领袖将强调中国并不寻求贸易顺差。
  Yet the expo is also bound to highlight some of the tensions ratcheted up by the trade war. 但博览会还是会使得因贸易战争而逐步升温的一些紧张变得越发显著。
  The main complaint of the American administration (Mr Trump apart) is not that China runs a trade surplus but that it discriminates against foreign firms, 美国政府(特朗普除外)的主要抱怨并不是中国的贸易顺差,而是它对外国公司的歧视,
  for example by pressing them to hand over technology to enter its market. 例如,迫使外国公司交出自己的技术才能进入中国市场。
  Though many countries are sending official delegations and hosting national pavilions, America's government will be conspicuous by its absence. 虽然很多国家都派了官方代表团并主办了国家馆,但美国政府的缺席尤为显眼。
  In private, its officials say that the trade show will be little use—and that they do not want to be dragged into Chinese propaganda. 在私底下,美国官员表示贸易展览用处不大—并且他们不希望被卷进中国的宣传活动之中。
  At least publicly, foreign companies are more enthusiastic. 至少在台面上,国外公司更加热情。
  A large contingent of American bosses will show up, hoping to set their companies apart from the trade hostilities. 美国企业老板的大规模代表团将出席展览,他们希望能让自己的公司免受贸易战的敌意。
  In all some 2,800 firms will attend, from more than 130 countries. 总共有来自130多个国家的2800家公司将参加展览。
  There will be big automakers (BMW, Ford and Toyota), food groups (Nestlé, Unilever and Cargill), electronics firms (Samsung, Sony and Qualcomm) and more. 其中将有大型汽车制造商(宝马、福特和丰田),食品集团(雀巢、联合利华以及嘉吉),电子公司(三星、索尼和高通)等等。
  Since China has provided cheaper exhibition space to developing countries, alongside the multinationals will be spice merchants from Ethiopia, 由于中国为发展中国家提供了成本更低的展览空间,一起出席的跨国公司将是来自埃塞俄比亚的香料商人,
  fruit producers from Laos and hatmakers from Ecuador. 来自老挝的水果生产商和来自厄瓜多尔的帽子制作商。