
   Takings were $21.3bn last year. 去年的营业收入已达2130亿美元。

  Social media has played an important role in changing attitudes in the fashion business, says Madeline Jones, editor and co-founder of PLUS Model Magazine. 大码女装杂志PLUS Model Magazine的主编和联合创始人玛德琳·琼斯说,社交媒体对于改变时装业的看法起着重要作用。
  Nonetheless, designer brands still hold back (Walmart sells the most plus-size apparel). 尽管如此,设计师品牌依旧犹豫不决(沃尔玛销售最大码服装的量最多)。
  Some brands, such as Michael Kors, do sell plus-size ranges but do not advertise them or display them on websites. 一些服装品牌如迈克·科尔也在销售大码服装,但却不会为其进行广告宣传,更不会在其网站上进行展示。
  For those that are willing to take a chance, several internet startups that deliver personally styled outfits to individuals, including plus-size women,  对于那些乐于尝试的人,如一些电商新贵会配送包括大码女装在内的个人定制服装,
  offer data to "straight-size" designers. 并向那些“骨感”设计师提供他们的数据。
  Gwynnie Bee, Stitch Fix and Dia & Co, for example, share information with designers on preferred styles and fits. 比如,Gwynnie Bee,Stitch Fix,Dia & Co这些公司会和设计师分享用户偏好的风格以及合身尺寸。
  Tracy Reese, a designer known for creating Michelle Obama's dress for the Democratic National Convention in 2012,  翠西·瑞斯是一位设计师,因为米歇尔·奥巴马设计出席2012年的民主党全国代表大会的服装而成名,
  is one brand that recently enlisted Gwynnie Bee's help to create a new plus-size collection. 这个姓名同时也是一个品牌,近期该品牌寻求Gwynnie Bee相助来设计新款大号系列服装。
  Gwynnie Bee prompted the label to create bigger patterns and more appealing designs. Gwynnie Bee促使翠西·瑞斯扩大规模,同时创新更夺人眼球的设计。
  Not all plus-size shoppers are convinced. 对此,不是所有的大码顾客都心悦诚服。
  Laura Fuentes, a hairstylist from Abilene, Texas, says that many upmarket department stores still keep their plus-size clothing sections poorly organised,  来自德克萨斯州阿比林的发型设计师劳拉·福恩特斯说,就众多高档百货公司而言,若这些公司真有大码服装的话,其大码服装部门仍是缺乏管理,
  badly stocked and dimly lit, if they stock larger clothes at all. 积货严重且门庭冷落。
  Yet such complaints should betaken with a pinch of salt, says Ms Thompson. 汤普森女士认为,这些抱怨,不可尽信也不可不信。
  “We're nowhere near where we should be but we've made progress,” she says. 她说,“我们虽仍未达标,但已取得一定进展。”