
   The world this week-Politics 本周政治

  Israel carried out air strikes on Gaza in response to a barrage of rocket attacks from Hamas militants.  以色列向加沙发动空袭,以回应哈马斯恐怖组织密集的弹炮轰击。
  The air assault killed scores of Palestinians, including many civilians.  这一袭击使得大量巴基斯坦人丧生,其中包括许多平民。
  The Israeli cabinet authorised the call-up of 40,000 army reservists in preparation for any potential ground offensive.  以色列内阁授权,召集40000名后备军人待命,以备潜在的地面攻击。
  This latest conflict between Israel and Hamas was sparked by the murder of three Israeli teenagers, which Israel blames on Hamas,  这场以哈冲突的导火索是三名以色列青少年被杀害,以方认为哈姆斯组织应该负责,
  and the alleged murder in revenge of a Palestinian youth, to which three Israelis have confessed. 凶手是为一个巴基斯坦少年复仇而杀害了三名以色列人。
  Shia Houthi rebels took control of Amran, a city in Yemen just 45 miles north of the capital, Sana'a.  什叶派胡塞叛军控制了也门的一个城市—阿姆兰,距离首都萨纳北部仅有45米。
  Their victory brought a rebellion that has simmered for a decade close to the heart of power in the country. 他们的胜利将一场预谋了十年的叛乱带到也门的心脏地区。
  Andargachew Tsige, an Ethiopian opposition leader, was arrested in Yemen and extradited to Addis Ababa, where he is facing the death penalty.  埃塞俄比亚反对派领袖阿加盖·塞基在也门被捕,进而被引渡到亚德斯亚贝巴,目前正面临处决的惩罚。
  A British citizen, he has been living in exile since 2005.  自从2005年起这个英国公民就生活在流亡中。
  Islamist members of the Shabab militia attacked the presidential palace in Somalia, where they claimed to have killed 14 soldiers 青年党自卫队的伊斯兰教成员袭击了索马里总统府,他们声称在那儿杀害了14名士兵,
  but not the president, who was not there.  而没有伤害到当时不在场的总统。
  The country's police and intelligence chiefs were sacked. 国家的司法和情报机关部长被解雇。
  In Nigeria 63 women and children kidnapped last month by Boko Haram, an Islamist group causing mayhem in the north-east of the country,  博科圣地组织上个月绑架了63名尼日利亚妇女儿童,这个伊斯兰教团体在尼日利亚东北部造成重大损失,
  escaped from their captors by walking for 24 hours from where they were being held.  他们从被关押的地方徒步行走了24小时,从缉拿方的追捕中逃脱了出来。
  This followed a heightened offensive against Boko Haram in which 50 of its fighters were killed, according to the army. 博科圣地此次行动时由于军队加强了攻势,使得50民博科圣地士兵死亡。
  Caught off guard 猝不及防
  Barack Obama asked for 3.7 billion from Congress to tackle an influx across the border of Central American migrants, in particular unaccompanied children.  巴拉克·奥巴马从国会申请了37亿美元来处理大量中美移民涌入。
  The White House has taken a tough line, promising to deport the migrants,  白宫采取了强硬措施,承诺要将移民驱逐出境,
  which has upset immigrant-rights groups who not so long ago were cheering the president's push for immigration reform. 这引起了移民权组织的骚动,就在不久前,这些移民权组织还赞成总统为移民改革做出的奋力争取。
  The effort by Illinois to tackle its 100 billion public-pensions deficit was thrown into confusion when the state Supreme Court ruled that  当伊利诺伊州最高法院规定上班族的医疗保险金受到州宪法的保护时,
  health-insurance subsidies for workers are protected by the state constitution.  之前想要借此解决1000亿的养老金赤字的努力付诸东流了。
  Legal challenges to curbs on pension benefits argue that these, too, are unconstitutional. 伊利诺伊州原本想要控制退休金的计划是不合宪法的。
  The Republicans chose Cleveland as the host city for their presidential convention in 2016.  美国共和党选择克利夫兰作为2016年总统公约的主办城市。
  Oddly, despite Ohio's importance as a swing state, it will be the first national party convention to be held there since 1936. 奇怪的是,尽管俄亥俄州的重要性可以和摇摆州。这会是1936年以来第一个在那儿举办的全国性党代表大会.
  Ray Nagin, who was the mayor of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, was sentenced to ten years in prison for corruption.  自从2005年卡特里娜飓风来袭时就在职的新奥尔良市长奈根因为贪污腐败被判10年监禁。
  The case relates to bribes paid by city contractors looking for work, including much of the rebuilding after Katrina. 这一案件与城市承包商贿赂有关,其中也包括飓风后的城市重建。
  Voting for a new leader 投票选举新领袖
  Though both candidates in Indonesia'spresidential election claimed victory, Joko Widodo, or Jokowi, the governor of Jakarta,  尽管印度尼西亚的两个候选人都声称赢得了大选,雅加达领袖左科伟,
  looked to have won over a former general, Prabowo Subianto.  似乎打败了前将军普拉博奥。
  The official result is expected to be announced on July 22nd. 官方结果将会在7月22日公布。
  Abdullah said he had won last month's presidential election in Afghanistan, despite the tally so far giving a lead to his rival, Ashraf Ghani.  阿卜杜拉说他已经赢得了上月阿富汗的总统大选,尽管统计结果显示他的竞争对手阿什拉夫·加尼领先,
  Mr Abdullah contends that the election was marred by fraud.  阿卜杜拉争辩道,欺诈毁掉了这场选举。
  The final result is due soon. Meanwhile, a bomb near Kabul killed 16 people.  最终结果将很快公布,与此同时,临近喀布尔的地区发生炸弹爆炸倒是16人死亡。
  The new government led by Narendra Modi in India unveiled its first budget.  由纳伦德拉·莫迪所领导的新政府公布了他们第一个财政预算。
  Arun Jaitley, the finance minister, was less radical than some had hoped,  财政部长阿兰·贾特里并没有想象中的那么激进,
  but he nevertheless maintained a commitment to reduce the deficit and was more friendly in tone towards foreign investors than his predecessors.  但是他仍然保持着致力于减少财政赤字的初衷,以及表现出了相较于前任对外资更为友善的态度。
  John Kerry, America's secretary of state, went to China for annual talks known as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue.  美国国务卿约翰克里到访中国参加一年一度的战略与经济对话,
  Xi Jinping, China's president, opened the talks by saying that a confrontation between China and America would be a disaster.  中国国家主席习近平在年度对话的开幕式上提到中美之间的对抗将会导致灾难性的后果,
  Mr Kerry reiterated that America is not trying to contain China.  而克里野重申美国没有限制中国的意图。
  As Mr Kerry was visiting China a prominent Tibetan writer was put under house arrest.  正值克里访问中国期间,著名的西藏作家茨仁唯色遭到软禁,
  Tsering Woeser had been invited to a function at the American embassy in Beijing.  此前,她受邀参加了在美国驻北京领事馆举办的活动。
  It is not known whether she was expected to meet Mr Kerry.  目前还不清楚她是否会与克里见面。
  She was a winner last year of the State Department's women of courage awards.  她还是去年美国政府妇女勇气奖的得主。
  Running for cover  代替运行
  Having lost control of several cities in eastern Ukraine,pro-Russia separatists regrouped in Donetsk, a city of more than 1m people.  自从失去了对乌克兰东部几个城市的控制之后,亲俄的分裂分子在人口超过一百万的顿涅茨克重新集结。
  Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine's president, raised the possibility of a new truce to stop the fighting.  与此同时,乌克兰总统佩特罗·波罗申科的表态大大增加了新的停战协议达成的可能性。
  After the breakdown of the first truce, he had insisted that he would not talk to the rebels until they disarmed.  由于他坚持反政府军必须解除武装,他才考虑谈判,导致了第一份停战协议流产。
  Prosecutors in Germany searched the home of an employee in the defence ministry suspected of spying.  德国的检察官涉嫌从事间谍活动的一位国防部雇员的家。
  Days earlier an employee of the BND, a German intelligence agency, was arrested for allegedly passing dozens of secret documents to the Americans.  数日前,德国情报机构的一位雇员因为非法向美国传播数分秘密文件遭到逮捕。
  The American ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry in Berlin.  柏林的德国外交部为此事召唤了向美国外交官。
  Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank,  欧洲央行行长马里奥·德拉基,
  called for the creation of a strong supranational body in the euro zone to co-ordinate the economic convergence of its member countries.  呼吁在欧元区建立强大的超国家机构协来调成员国的经济。
  Mr Draghi noted the differences in global competitive rankings between Finland and Greece,  德拉基先生还提出,在全球竞争力方面,芬兰和希腊还是存在差距的。
  and said that No firm or individual should be penalised by its country of residence.  同时还说到任何公司或者个人应受到其所在居住地的法律管辖。
  Public-sector workers in Greece protested against cuts by holding a strike to coincide with a visit from representatives from international creditors.  希腊公共部门的员工通过在国际债券人的代表访问时举行罢工来抗议削减开支,
  In Britain a million union workers downed tools to protest about pay.  在英国上百万的工会员工因不满薪水待遇而罢工。
  The day the music died 音乐终结日
  Brazil lost a football match, and with it a chunk of its national identity.  巴西不仅仅只是输掉了一场足球赛,也输掉了一大部分他的国家特性。
  A 7-1 thrashing by Germany in the World Cup semi-final left the Brazilian team, who had been favourites to win the tournament, looking like amateurs.  在世界杯半决赛里面,德国7比1血洗了巴西足球队,这只巴西队原本是寄希望赢得世界杯的,不过这场比赛他们踢得像只业余球队。
  President Dilma Rousseff, eyes on an election in October, urged her countrymen to bounce back.  而着眼与今年十月份选举的总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫也敦促他的同胞要振作起来。
  Nicaragua unveiled the route of a proposed 40 billion canal connecting its Atlantic and Pacific coasts, to be built by a Hong Kong-based firm.  尼加拉瓜公布了他们一向计划投资400亿美元的运河计划,该运河打通了该国大西洋和太平洋的海岸,由一个香港公司承建。
  Environmentalists don't like the idea of a canal; sceptics don't believe it will happen. But it keeps edging forward.  环保主义者不喜欢这项运河建议,而对此项计划持怀疑态度的人则不相信它可以建成。但是,无论如何,这项工作还是在不断的进展之中。