
   The world this week-Politics 本周政治要闻

  The shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines jet, apparently by pro-Russian rebels fighting Ukrainian troops in eastern Ukraine, changed the parameters of the five-month conflict.  马航飞机被击落显然是由驻扎在乌克兰东部的乌克兰亲俄叛军造成的,该事件的发生改变了这起为期五个月的冲突双方局势。
  The airliner was en route fromAmsterdam toKuala Lumpur; 298 people died when it crashed on July 17th.  该航班由阿姆斯特丹飞至吉隆坡, 于6月17日坠毁,造成298人死亡。
  Most of the bodies were eventually put onto a refrigerated train and transported to the government-controlled city ofKharkiv,  大部分遗体将由装有冷冻箱的火车运至有政府控制的哈尔科夫,
  where a multinational forensics team examined them before being flown back to theNetherlands. 并在跨国法医检验小组检验后运回荷兰。
  Most of the anger over the incident was vented at Russia, suspected of providing the missile that shot down the aircraft.  射击该航班的导弹疑是由俄罗斯提供,因此俄罗斯承受了此事件的大多数怒火。
  The European Union's efforts to impose tougher sanctions were hampered by France insisting  欧盟对俄罗斯实施更为严厉制裁的努力受到法国的阻挠,
  that its delivery of a French-made warship to Russia would go ahead in spite of British and American calls to stop it. 因法国不顾英国和美国的劝阻执意向俄罗斯运送法国生产的军舰。
  More than 60 high-ranking police officers were arrested in Turkey in connection with corruption investigations against the government.  土耳其60多名高级警官反对政府的腐败调查而被捕。
  They stand accused of espionage and illegal phone-tapping. 他们被指控犯有间谍和非法窃听电话罪。
  Silvio Berlusconi's conviction for paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl was overturned by an appeals court inMilan.  西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼关于对17岁女孩的嫖娼罪的指控被米兰的一家上诉法院翻案。
  His lifetime ban from holding public office was also revoked.  对他终生禁止从事公职的处罚也已取消。
  The former Italian prime minister wasn't in court to hear the judgment.  这位前意大利总理并未列席听取判决,
  He was working at a care home as part of the community-service sentence given to him in a separate conviction for tax fraud. 而是因其另一项税务欺诈的罪名而不得不在一家老人院进行社区服务。
  A committee in the British Parliament issued a report into the plan by Scotland's Nationalists to share the pound if Scots vote for independence in September,  英国议会委员会发布了由苏格兰民族主义者制定的若苏格兰在9月份的投票独立中胜出,将共享英镑使用权的计划报告,
  and concluded that this was a dead parrot.  并称这是垂死的挣扎。
  The three main political parties have rejected the idea of a currency union with Scotland, which the report stressed should not be seen as a bluff. 三大主要政党已明确驳回了苏格兰成立货币联盟的想法,而报告中强调这一提案是不可缺少的。
  Squeezing blood from a stone 铁公鸡身上拔毛
  A judge in New Yorkrejected a request by Argentina for a stay on a decision requiring the country  纽约法官驳回了阿根廷的上诉请求维持原判:
  to pay a small group of creditors who have been chasing it following its 2001 debt default.  要求阿根廷偿付小部分债权人追索的2001年拖欠的债务。
  If the country does not reach a deal with the creditors, it will be pushed into default again, for the eighth time in its history. 若阿根廷未向债权人还款,美国将于史上第八次强制其进行还款。
  The trial of Leopoldo Lopez, a Venezuelan opposition leader, began in Caracas behind closed doors.  委内瑞拉在野党领导人莱奥波尔多·洛佩兹在加拉加斯进行非公开审判。
  Mr Lopez, who is accused of inciting violence during protests that began earlier this year but have since sputtered, has been in custody since February. 他被指控煽动今年年初抗议活动中的暴力袭击,并于今年2月份被拘留。
  Mexico's ground breaking energy reform came closer to the finishing-line.  墨西哥创造性的能源改革接近完工。
  The Senate approved bills to, among other things, open the hydrocarbons industry to foreign investment.  另外,参议院还通过了法案允许外国投资碳氢化合物产业。
  The lower house is expected to add its approval shortly. 下议院也将即刻增加该法案。
  Depressingly familiar 郁闷的熟悉感
  The Israeli campaign in Gaza to clobber the Palestinians' Islamist movement, Hamas, which began with attacks from the air and by artillery on July 8th,  以色列于加沙地区打击巴勒斯坦回教教徒的哈马斯运动在7月8日的空中炮击中拉开帷幕,
  intensified on July 17th when Israeli troops entered by land.  并在以色列军队7月17日登陆巴勒斯坦后进一步加剧。
  By July 24th the death toll of Palestinians, most of them civilians, had exceeded 700; 35 Israelis had died. 截至7月24日,巴勒斯坦超过700人死亡,其中大部分为巴勒斯坦平民;以色列35人死亡。
  A rocket fired by Palestinians in Gaza landed a kilometre from Israel's main airport,on the edge of Tel Aviv,  巴勒斯坦在加沙向以色列发射火箭,降落于距以色列主要机场一公里以外特拉维夫市边缘,
  prompting many airlines temporarily to suspend their flights toIsrael.  并造成许多航班被迫暂停于以色列。
  The American secretary of state, John Kerry, shuttled around the region, trying to arrange a ceasefire. 美国国家秘书长约翰·克里飞往该地以期达成停战协议。
  The jihadist group that spearheaded last month's conquest of Iraq's second city, Mosul, expelled all Christians who refused to convert to Islam.  上月,伊斯兰圣战主义组织带头攻占了伊拉克第二大城市摩苏尔,他们驱逐了不愿皈依伊斯兰教的基督徒。
  Most of them fled to neighbouring Iraqi Kurdistan.  大多数基督徒逃到了临城伊拉克的库尔德斯坦。
  A decade ago there were reckoned to be around 60,000 Christians in the city. 10年前,据说摩苏尔大约有6万基督徒。
  Legal-limbo land 地狱?天堂?
  Obamacare was thrown into confusion when two federal appeals courts issued contradictory rulings about  由于两个联邦上诉法院对通过联邦保险办事处参与奥巴马医保的人
  whether people who signed up for health insurance through the federal exchange can claim subsidies.  能否要求补助的判决截然不同,奥巴马医保陷入困境。
  The government created the federal exchange, where most people have bought their Obamacare insurance, after dozens of states refused to set up their own. 在很多州拒绝设立自己的保险办事处后,政府设立了联邦保险办事处,大多数人都是在这里参保。
  The Republican Senate primary in Georgia was won by David Perdue, a businessman, who beat Jack Kingston, a congressman.  商人大卫·柏杜打败了杰克·金士顿议员成功当选佐治亚州共和党参议员候选人。
  Mr Perdue will face Michelle Nunn, the daughter of a former Democratic senator, in November in what promises to be a closely contested seat. 11月,预计柏杜将面对上届民主党参议员女儿米歇尔·娜恩卫校争夺竞争激烈的参议员席位。
  A majority of Detroit's retired public-sector workers voted to accept a package of reduced pension benefits,  大部分底特律退休的国企工人投票接受微薄的补贴。
  a crucial part of the bankrupt city's plan to restructure its finances.  这是重建破产城市金融体系计划的重要部分。
  Obstacles still remain.  然而困难依然存在。
  A judge will begin a hearing next month into whether the plan is fair to creditors. 下月裁判员会对这项措施是否对债权人公平进行听证。
  More concerns were raised about the process of executing murderers in Americaafter another man took a long time to die.  美国又一名谋杀犯男子处死过程过长引发了更多关注。
  Joseph Wood was put to death in Arizona.  约瑟夫·伍德在亚利桑那州被处死。
  A few days earlier a court had ruled that he had a right to know the source of the drugs that were to be used to kill him,  之前法院判决其有权知道处死所用药物的来源,
  reflecting concerns about a botched execution in Oklahoma,  反映出人们担忧俄克拉荷马州搞砸了处决。
  but the federal Supreme Court overturned the delay.  但是联邦最高法院推翻了延期处决。
  In California a judge struck down the capital sentences of 748 prisoners because of the long delay taken between conviction and execution. 在加利福尼亚州,一名法官因为长时间的行刑拖延推翻了748名罪犯的死刑判决。
  Disputed tally 具有争议性的投票结果
  Joko Widodo, the governor of Jakarta, was declared the winner of Indonesia's presidential election, with 53% of the vote.  印度尼西亚总统选举宣布雅加达省长佐科·维多多以53%支持率获胜。
  The losing candidate, Prabowo Subianto, a former general, alleged massive fraud, though he produced no evidence, and said he would challenge the result in court. 失势方为上届司令普拉博沃,他控诉选举有大规模欺诈行为。虽然没有给出证据,他说他会在法庭上质疑这一结果。
  The authorities in China detained five people as part of an investigation into a company that allegedly supplied out-of-date meat to fast-food chains.  据说某公司向快餐连锁店供应过期肉制品,中国政府进行调查时拘留了5人。
  Regulators suspended operations at Shanghai Husi Food following media reports that it reprocessed expired meat and sold it to companies that included McDonald's and KFC. 随着媒体曝光了过期肉品的再加工并把其销售到麦当劳和KFC等企业的过程,监管者责令上海福喜食品公司停业。
  Police in South Korea confirmed that the body of a man found last month is that of Yoo Byung-eun,  韩国警方确定上月找到尸体是俞炳彦。
  a tycoon who was wanted in connection with the sinking of a ferry in April that killed 300 people.  俞炳彦是个富商,因为与4月份导致300人丧生的沉船事件关联受到了通缉。
  Mr Yoo's family owned the ferry's operating company. 俞先生的家人现在拥有着船运公司。
  Amnesty said that Alexander Sodiqov, a Canadian-based research student, had been released on bail in Tajikistan.  大赦国际说加拿大就读做研究的亚历山大·苏堤科维奇已经在塔吉克斯坦被保释。
  He had been detained last month by the secret police for interviewing an opposition leader, a treasonous offence in the paranoid regime of Emomali Rakhmon. 上月,他因采访具有叛国行为反对者领导人被秘密警察拘留。该反对者反对埃莫马利·拉赫蒙的偏执统治。