
   The world this week-Business 本周经济要闻

  HewlettPackard decided to hive off its PCandprinter business and create a new company, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, to focus on servers, cloud computing and big data.  惠普决定分出的个人电脑和打印机业务,创建一个专注于服务器、云计算和处理大数据的新公司。
  It will be run by Meg Whitman, HP's boss.  这将由惠普的老板梅格?惠特曼亲自操刀,
  When she became chief executive three years ago Ms Whitman jettisoned the idea of spinning off the PC business.  早在三年前惠特曼女士成为首席执行长的时候就有剥离个人电脑业务的想法。
  But with the rise of tablets HP's computer sales have suffered, falling 7% last year, according to Gartner, a consulting firm.  但据高德纳咨询公司的数据显示,随着平板电脑的兴起,惠普的电脑销量遭受重创,去年下降了7%。
  Samsung's announcement that profit in the third quarter had halved from the same period last year,  三星宣布第三季度利润从去年同期减少了一半,
  its fourth consecutive quarterly drop, got some wondering how it would respond to the challenge of an increasingly saturated smartphone market.  这是它利润连续下降的第四个季度,众人都很疑惑它将如何应对智能手机市场日益饱和的挑战。
  Squeezed between lowcost competitors and Apple, the South Korean company's share of that market has fallen further this year. 低成本的竞争对手和苹果公司的夹缝中生存,这家韩国公司今年的市场份额再次下降。
  Back down to earth 神话的破灭
  Rocket Internet's stock continued to slide.  火箭网股价继续下滑。
  The German company, which backs ecommerce startups, made a disappointing stockmarket debut on October 2nd,  这家支持电子商务的德国创业公司,在10月2日的首次上市就令人失望,
  with its share price closing 13% down on the day after being priced at the top of the IPO's range.  在达到IPO价格区间的上限之后其股价在收盘时下跌13%。
  Still, Rocket raised 1.4 billion and said investors would be more interested in its long-term prospects. 不过,火箭网依然筹资到了14亿欧元(约合18亿美元),并表示投资者对其长期前景更感兴趣。
  Facebook completed its takeover of WhatsApp.  脸书现在完成对WhatsApp的收购工作。
  The deal is now valued at 21.8 billion, almost 3 billion more than when it was announced in February,  这次的交易金额估价218亿美元,脸书股票的价格比它在2月宣布时增长了将近30亿美元,
  as the price of Facebook's shares, which are being paid out to WhatsApp's investors, has risen since then.  股票收益将被支付给WhatsApp的投资者。
  So has the number of people using WhatsApp, to 600m monthly active users. 这也难怪WhatsApp的使用人数不断增加,每月的活跃用户达到了6亿。
  The slow-growth movement  增速缓慢
  The IMF's latest assessment of the world economy weighed heavily on stockmarkets.  国际货币基金组织的最新评估显示,世界经济主要依赖于股票市场。
  Although the downward revision to overall world output for this year was small, estimates for Germany, Japan and Brazil were reduced considerably.  虽然今年全球总体产出的下调幅度很小,但德国、日本和巴西等国的产出都大大减少。
  The debt hangover and recession still cast a shadow, the IMF said, and investment after the recovery has been weaker than expected.  国际货币基金组织认为,全球经济依然停留在遗留的债务问题和经济衰退造成的阴影之中,经济复苏后的投资力度也弱于预期。
  Underscoring this, new figures for August recorded the biggest drop in German exports and industrial production since January 2009. 值得强调的是,8月份新数据记录了2009年1月以来最大的降幅发生在德国出口和工业生产。
  The Bank of England gave British banks less than three months to submit plans on how they will ringfence their retail operations from riskier parts of their business,  根据2011年维克斯委员会的建议,英国央行要求英国银行在不到三个月的时间里,
  which the Vickers commission recommended in 2011.  提交关于如何在业务风险较高的地区限制其零售业务的计划。
  But the banks will have to present their proposals without knowing how much capital they will be expected to hold, details that the central bank will provide later next year. 银行不得不在不知晓其资金数量的情况下提交他们的计划,央行也将在明年晚些时候提供详细资料。
  Responding to speculation in the markets Rio Tinto confirmed that it had been approached by Glencore during the summer about a takeover, but had turned it down.  为了应对市场的投机行为,力拓矿业集团证实它已在夏季与嘉能可国际集团接洽收购事宜,但被拒绝了。
  A merger would create the world's biggest mining group.  这次的合并将创建世界上最大的矿业集团。
  Ivan Glasenberg, Glencore's chief executive, submitted the proposal personally to Rio Tinto; he is not known to be one for giving up so easily. 嘉能可的首席执行官伊万·格拉森博格亲自向力拓矿业集团提交提案,他并不是一个会轻言放弃的人。
  No magic kingdom 没有魔法的王国
  The operator of Disneyland Paris was thrown a 1 billion lifeline by Walt Disney Company, its biggest shareholder.  巴黎迪斯尼乐园的运营商抓住了一根救命稻草,其最大的股东华特迪士尼公司提供了10亿欧元(约合13亿美元)的赞助。
  The theme park, which opened in 1992, is burdened by debt and has not made a profit for years, as attendance and hoteloccupancy rates have tumbled after the financial crisis. 这个于1992年开业的主题公园,负债累累而多年未曾盈利,金融危机之后游客的到访率和酒店入住率持续下跌。
  The Waldorf Astoria hotel in Manhattan was sold to a Chinese insurance company for 1.95 billion, or nearly 1.4m a room.  在曼哈顿的华尔道夫酒店以19.5亿美元的价格(每个房间的售价约140万美元)被卖给一家中国保险公司。
  The hotel, which opened its doors to visitors in 1931, is to undergo a big renovation to restore it to its former glory.  酒店于1931年对游客开放,它正在进行一场大改造,以恢复它昔日的光彩。
  Some of its 1,413 rooms could possibly be turned into apartments. 其中1413个房间可能会变成公寓。译者:徐牧之 校对:董思琪