
   The world this week-Politics Hillary Clinton announced that she is running for the White House in 2016.  本周政治新闻 希拉里·克林顿宣布将参加2016年的总统大选。

  She vowed to get unaccountable money out of politics once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.  她郑重宣告:在其政治生涯中将彻底地清除来路不明的资金,即使这会需要建立宪法修正案。
  Her campaign is expected to raise at least 1 billion.  她的竞选团队有望筹到至少10亿美元的资金。
  On the Republican side Marco Rubio, a Florida senator, joined a field that is fast becoming crowded. 佛罗里达州参议员马尔科·卢比奥表示,共和党加入了一场飞快变得激烈的战斗。
  A Florida doctor, Salomon Melgen, was indicted for defrauding Medicare, the government health scheme for the old, which he had billed for 105m over six years.  福罗里达州的医生所罗门·梅尔根因涉嫌诈骗美国国家老年人医疗保险机构被指控,他在6年里获利高达1.05亿美元。
  Earlier this month Mr Melgen and Senator Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, were indicted for trading gifts for favours. Both men denied. 本月早些时候,梅尔根与新泽西州民主党参议员鲍勃·梅内德斯一道被指控权钱交易,但是他们对此予以否认。
  Sudan held a presidential election and, though the results will not be announced until April 27th,  苏丹举行了总统大选。虽然选举结果要等到本月27日才会公布,
  most believe President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is sure of another term in office.  但是大多数人认为现任总统奥马尔·哈桑·艾哈迈德·阿尔-巴希尔一定会再次当选。
  Opposition groups boycotted the poll.  反对党派抵制此次选举投票。
  Sudan is war-ravaged and its economy is struggling.  苏丹目前饱受战火摧残,本国经济也陷入泥潭。
  But Mr Bashir, indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court, has never looked stronger. 但是,尽管被国际刑事法院指控进行种族屠杀,巴希尔却比以往任何时候都更强势。
  Russia has lifted a self-imposed ban on the sale to Iran of an advanced air-defence system,  俄罗斯已经撤销对伊朗的禁令。这个昔日俄方自主发布的禁令规定:禁止向伊朗出售高端防空导弹。
  a move criticised by the countries involved in talks to limit Tehran's nuclear programme.  有关国家正在就限制伊朗发展核项目问题进行对话,因而此举受到它们的指责。
  America and Israel opposed selling the S-300 system to Iran on the grounds  美国与以色列都反对向伊朗出售S-300导弹,
  that it would make any air strikes on its nuclear facilities harder and upset the region's balance of military power. 因为这将会使得任何针对伊朗核设施的打击行动变得更加困难,同时还打破了该区域的军事力量的平衡局面。
  The Shabab, al-Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, exploded a car bomb outside the Ministry of Higher Education in Mogadishu, the capital.  隶属于基地组织的索马里青年党在该国首都摩加迪沙的教育部大楼外制造了一起汽车爆炸案,
  At least 19 people were killed, including seven attackers.  造成至少19人遇难,包括7名袭击者。
  It comes on the heels of the Shabab's massacre at a university in Garissa, Kenya, in which gunmen killed 148 people. 此前,青年党在肯尼亚加里萨市的一所大学制造袭击事件,造成148人死亡。
  Three weeks of air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition have done little to halt the advance of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.  沙特联军的系列空袭行动已经过去3个周了,但对阻止也门国内伊朗支持的胡塞武装的进攻却无济于事。
  Pakistan has affirmed that it will not send in ground troops.  巴基斯坦已经确定不会派出陆战部队。
  Muhammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister, has laid out a four-point plan to resolve the crisis. 伊朗外长穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫已经拟定了4点计划以解决此次危机。
  Yemen's civil war has benefited al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group's most dangerous branch, which has taken over Mukalla, a Yemeni port.  也门内战给阿拉伯半岛最危险的分支—阿拉伯半岛基地组织暗中助力。该组织已经占领了也门的穆卡拉港口。
  But an American drone strike killed Ibrahim al-Rubeish, a top figure in the outfit. 但是美国无人机的空袭干掉了该组织的一个重要头目—易卜拉欣·鲁贝什。
  A court in Japan blocked the reopening of a nuclear power plant in Fukui on the main island's west coast.  日本一家法院暂不批准重启本州岛西海岸福井核电站。
  The Takahama plant had already obtained approval from Japan's nuclear regulator.  高滨核电站已经获得了日本核能监管机构的批准,
  It is a blow to Shinzo Abe, the prime minister.  因而在法院受阻对于日本首相安倍晋三是个不小的打击。
  Nuclear power generated 30% of Japan's electricity before the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster, after which the country's nuclear power stations were shut down. 在福岛核电站灾难发生之前,核电站的发电量占到了全日本的30%;此后,该国的核电站都被关停。
  The government in China released five feminist activists detained for planning protests against sexual harassment on public transport on March 8th, International Women's Day. They may still be prosecuted for supposedly creating a disturbance. 中国政府释放了被拘禁的5名女权主义人士,她们曾计划于妇女节当日就公共交通工具上的性骚扰问题举行抗议活动。据悉,她们仍有可能因制造骚乱而被起诉。
  In response to protests in Hong Kong against mainland Chinese who buy goods in bulk to resell,  港人抗议陆客抢购商品回内地倒卖,
  China limited residents of Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong, to visiting the territory just once a week.  为此中国限制深圳(海关的另一侧)居民每周只能过境一次。
  Goods in Hong Kong are cheaper and more trusted, but a surge of mainland Chinese visitors has bred resentments. 香港的东西便宜又放心,招来大量陆客,引发港人不满。
  India relaxed the last of the restrictions on the production of goods, including pickles and chutneys, that are reserved exclusively for small businesses.  印度放宽了包括泡菜、酸辣酱等商品在内的生产限定,专门为小型企业保留下来。
  At the peak of industrial policy in the 1970s some 800 goods were similarly reserved. 在1970年代的产业政策高峰期,也同样保留了约有800样商品。
  The British election creaked into third gear with the launch of the parties'manifestos.  随着两党先后发出宣言,英国大选即将进入第三轮。
  With the polls still too tight to call, the Conservatives promised more free child care and subsidies for social-housing tenants.  民意调查显示两方不相上下,保守党承诺将有更多的儿童享受免费保健,并为租户提供社会住房补贴。
  Labour vowed to avoid further borrowing and keep cutting the deficit. 工党发誓要避免继续举债并努力削减财政赤字。
  Good weather encouraged more boatloads of would-be migrants across the Mediterranean.  好天气使得一批又一批的准移民横跨地中海。
  The Italian coastguard rescued hundreds, but as many as 400 were feared drowned after one boat capsized off Libya.  从利比亚出发的一艘船发生倾覆,虽然意大利海岸警卫队解救了数百人,但恐怕还是有多达400人葬身大海。
  The UN said not enough was being done to save lives 联合国表示他们并没有尽最大努力来拯救生命
  The extreme-right Jobbik party shocked Hungary's ruling right-wing Fidesz party by winning a by-election.  极右政党尤比克党赢得了递补选举的消息震惊了匈牙利的执政党,右翼的青年民主党。
  Jobbik claims that it, not the left, is now the only plausible opposition to the Fidesz prime minister, Viktor Orban. 尤比克党声称,只有该党敢于向首相维克特.奥尔班(来自青年民主党)说不,左翼政党不足成事。
  Turkey attacked Pope Francis and the European Parliament after both described the Ottoman massacres of Armenians in 1915-16 as genocide.  教皇弗朗西斯和欧洲议会都将1915年-1916年的奥斯曼亚美尼亚人大屠杀描述为种族灭绝,引发了土耳其的攻讦。
  Turkish objections to the word have intensified in the run-up to the centenary of the start of the killings on April 24th. 在即将迎来这场屠杀开始的4月24日的百年纪念时,土耳其对种族灭绝一次的反感更深了。
  Despite a purported ceasefire, renewed violence broke out in eastern Ukraine.  虽有停火协议在先,但在乌克兰东部又发生了暴力事件。
  Ukraine said six of its soldiers had been killed; pro-Russian rebels said one of their fighters had died. 乌克兰方面宣称有六个士兵丧生;亲俄反对派说他们的一个战士已经死亡。
  Barack Obama and Raul Castro held the first substantive meeting between the leaders of the United States and Cuba in nearly 60 years at a summit in Panama.  距巴拿马峰会美国和古巴领导人会晤之后近60年,奥巴马和劳尔·卡斯特罗才有了第一次实质性的会谈。
  Mr.Castro railed against the embargo that the United States imposed on Cuba, which was loosened last December, but called Mr. Obama an honest man.  卡斯特罗指责美国对古巴的禁运,直到去年12月份才有所放宽,但他也称奥巴马为诚实的人。
  After the summit the United States removed Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.  在峰会后,美国把古巴从支持恐怖主义国家的名单上划去,
  The decision eliminates an obstacle to restoring diplomatic relations. 这一决定消除了恢复外交关系的障碍。
  FARC guerrillas killed at least ten Colombian soldiers and wounded 17 more.  FARC游击队至少杀害了10个哥伦比亚士兵并至少打伤了17人。
  The army claimed that the FARC initiated the attacks.  军方称,哥伦比亚革命武装力量率先发起了攻击。
  That would make it the most serious breach yet of a ceasefire declared by the rebel group in December.  该行为严重违反了12月由叛军组织发布的停火协议。
  Colombia's president, Juan Manuel Santos, ordered a resumption of air raids on the FARC, which he had suspended in March.  战火在三月份已经暂停了,但如今哥伦比亚总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯下令继续对FARC进行空袭,
  The two sides have been holding talks aimed at ending the 50-year conflict. 为了结束持续50年的冲突,双方本已谈判了一段时间。
  Eduardo Galeano, a radical Uruguayan writer, has died, aged 74.  乌拉圭的激进派作家爱德华多·加里诺已经去世,享年74岁。
  He is most famous for Open Veins of Latin America, which blamed the region's problems on European colonisers and the United States.  他是最著名的著作当属《拉丁美洲:被切开的血管》,而该地区的问题应归咎于美国和欧洲殖民者。
  Late in life he said that the book belonged to a past era. 他晚年时说道,这本书属于过去的时代。译者:江虹蕾,戴秀平  校对:韦永睿