
   Not gonna try it now. 现在我也不想尝试

  I don't know if you have been following all the fun I wanna talk to about,you know the Matt Lauer stuff is going on, 接下来我要说的趣事 不知道你们关注没有 你们知道马特·劳尔的节目吗
  if you watching.Few weeks ago, we added a clip of him interviewing a cast of "Fifty Shades of Grey". 如果你看过的话 几周前 我们播过一段视频 他采访"霸道总裁爱上我"
  And we made him look like he's wearing like this fetish outfit. 我们让他穿得像恋物癖性虐狂的男主角一样
  We did that,and aired it on our show. 你还别不信 还在我们的节目中播了
  And a lot of the viewers of the "Today Show"thought it was real, and rolled in. 很多"今日秀"的观众们都信以为真 大家蜂拥而至 点击率那叫一个高
  And so Matt was like,this was ridiculous,I would not wear that, that's not me. 马特就说 这太荒唐了 我是不会穿的 我不会穿成那样
  So he came on the show,tried to set the record straight. 所以他来到了节目现场 想澄清下这段视频
  And as a peace offering,I gave him a frame photograph of him wearing that. 为了表达我的慰问 我给他裱了一张SM大叔照
  And so he took it back to the "Today Show",and hung it in his dressing room. 结果人家把照片拿回"今日秀"挂到了化妆间
  I was really surprised to see what he had in his dressing room,I really was. 他的化妆间里的东西 还真是吓尿了我 真的
  Well, Matt you recently take that appearance on the Show. 马特前段时间上过"艾伦秀"
  And look at this,she gave you a little gift.Your very own "Fifty Shades of Grey" Portrait.Where you gonna hang that? 瞧瞧这个 她送了你一份小礼物  大叔专属的"霸道总裁"照 准备挂哪儿啊
  Funny you should mentioned that.It's up in my dressing room. 既然你提到这个 我挂在化妆间里了
  Here we go.Here's the thing he collected. 瞧一瞧看一看 这是大叔的私人典藏
  That's the trending today.One hundred percent not edited at all,That is real. 绝对是当下潮流 绝无PS 绝无后期处理 百分百原汁原味
  We could drop the whole thing but I wouldn't done yet. 本来可以剪掉这段的 我想了想还没玩够
  And he claimed he's gonna try to get it back me, 后来他就一直说要报复我
  but you can't beat me in this game, Lauer.It is on. 但是劳尔啊 我可是整蛊大师 放马过来