
   It's time for a segment we call "It's A Jungle In The Amazon"Sorry.Brings out the animal in me. 好了 现在是我们进入"亚马逊丛林" 版块的时间了 不好意思了啦 唤醒了本能和兽性

  Alright, this is a segment we show you real products exist on Amazon. 下面这一部分呢 我们将为各位呈现亚马逊网出售的产品
  Even though they probably should not. 其实有些他们根本不应该出售
  This is a product called the "AutoExec Wheelmate Work Surface Tray".It's a desk that attaches to your steering wheel. 其中一个叫做"自动方向盘工作板" 其实就是一张卡在方向盘上的小桌子
  You know it's a great place to write to your loved ones. You just caused a terrible accident. 想想用它给你亲爱的写信告诉他 你刚刚造成了一场严重的车祸
  This is a book I found on amazon is called "Dancing With Cats". 下面是亚马逊上卖的一本书 叫做"与猫共舞"
  And I think that you can't have enough catffe... cat books. 我想你一定非常喜欢咖啡……猫书
  This is a woman right here and she's dancing with two cats. 看看这位女性 与俩猫共舞
  She was born to do that, wasn't she? 她真有天赋啊 对吧
  Here's a man dancing with a cat. 这是一大叔与猫共舞
  Here's the thing.Every time I tried to defend a cat owner.They turn around and do somethings like this to me. 是这样的 每次我试图为猫主人辩护 他们就会做这样的事来打我脸
  How can I defend cats.Here's another way. 让我怎么替猫说话呢 来说说另一样东西
  I had no idea this book existed. 我不知道这本书的存在
  It's the "Ellen DeGeneres Coloring Book" By Jack Anthony. 这本书叫 "艾伦·德杰尼勒斯的填色薄" 作者是杰克·安东尼
  I don't know you Jack Anthony.But I feel like we'll be speaking through lawyers soon. 杰克·安东尼 我不认识你 但我觉得我们很快就会通过律师聊聊了
  If you see a product online, you think I should see.Please send it to me.We will be back after this. 如果你在网上看到某个商品 觉得我应该看看 请发给我 我们马上回来