
   I can't believe no one else stopped. 我不敢相信当时居然没人停车

  But really it's a good thing that you happened to be driving by at that moment. 不过碰巧你开车经过 真是太好了
  So you were driving by and you saw the car. 所以你开车经过 然后看到了这辆车
  Was it on fire when you saw it or just smoking? 那时候车已经着火了吗 还是只是冒烟
  No, it was just smoking.And a lot of black smoke came out of it 没着火 只在冒烟 有很多黑烟
  so you just pulled over which is the right thing to do 所以你做了一件正确的事 把车停在路边
  and go up to her and how quickly did it...uh catch on fire? 朝她走过去 车子过了多久就着火了呢
  Ah, within seconds.We were in the middle. 就是几秒钟的事 当时我们正在
  She's in the middle of telling me that she needs to get to her destination. 她正忙着跟我讲 她得去她要去的地方
  And I keep telling her um you need to get away from this car. 而我一直在劝说她  要远离那辆车
  You know, it can explode.It's not just in movies. 因为它随时可能爆炸 这可不止在电影里才有
  Yeah, right. There is gas in there. All kind of things. 是的 没错 车里有汽油之类的东西
  So, you knew it could explode and yet her purse is in there, her son's medical records. 这么说 你知道车可能爆炸 但是她的钱包和她儿子的医疗记录都还在车里
  And you put your respirator on and went in after that. 所以你就戴上呼吸面罩进去拿了
  Yeah. - Really brave of you, really amazing. 对  -你太勇敢了 简直帅呆了
  -I mean... - Thank you.Yeah.And this, I don't even think you know this. 我是说  -谢谢 嗯 哦对了 有一件事 你肯定都不知道
  So the...after you left them at the...I think the gas station right? 就是 你把他们送到那个 是加油站 对吧
  Yes. - So you were-waiting for your dad to come and pick you up.Tell her what you did. 对  -你在那 等你爸爸来接你们 告诉她你都干了什么