
   Hello, right over there.Hi.So, what about these two beautiful ladies. 你们好 嗨 这两位漂亮的女士

  Would you join me in a selfie?Sure.So, please, come here closer. 想和我来张自拍吗 好啊 离我近点儿
  Try to come around and be ready, to, and smile. 凑近点 准备好了吗 笑一个
  Okay, got it. Thank you very much.And now I can show you how your app will work. 搞定了 谢谢你们 现在我来告诉你这款应用能做些什么
  This is Ellen selfie.I just take one of the few pictures that I made and here it is. 这是"艾伦自拍" 我来挑一张刚刚拍好的自拍
  This is how my grandmother's picture frame looks like.And now I need your help when I count to three. 这是我奶奶的相框 现在你们帮我数三个数
  One, two, three.And there it is, and it's not another Ipad. This is a real live. 一 二 三 照片进去了 这可不是另一台平板电脑 这是实实在在的照片
  What?I'll sign it for you. 神马 我给你们签名
  Unbelievable. Go to our website to find out more about Simon. If you have an amazing magic act you want me to see, 简直难以置信 在我们的网站上有更多西蒙的魔术视频 如果你有惊艳的魔术技能 上传到艾伦频道
  please post it on Ellen Tube. We'll be right back.Wow, thank you. 下一个站上舞台的就是你  广告之后再回来 哇 谢谢你