
   It's been two minutes.How do you feel? 现在已经过了两分钟了 你们感觉怎么样

  Anybody going with, with the yeah, maybe missing calls. 也许有人会在想 会不会有未接来电啊
  We depend so much on our phones these days. 现在我们非常依赖手机
  A new study came out that says people are dumber,when they are separated from their iPhones, 新研究表明 当人们离开了手机 他们就不知道怎么说话了
  which is really scary,cause people aren't so bright with their iPhones either. 这真是吓人 因为就算拿着手机也不见得多健谈
  It's bad enough of being away from your phone. 远离手机已经很糟了
  But boy, losing your phone,isn't that the most stressful thing when you've lost your phone? 但是 丢手机 要是你把手机弄丢了 这才是压力最大的事吧
  It's like not knowing where your child is. 这像找不到你孩子一样
  But worse.Ah, the last time I lost my phone I did what everybody does.Panicked. 甚至比这更严重 上次我丢了手机 跟大家一样 我很惊慌
  And then the next thing I did was panicked some more.I looked all over the house. 之后我又惊慌了一会儿 我在整个房子里找
  And, you know when you are looking for your,for your glasses,they are on your head. 你们懂的 当你在找 眼镜时 它往往就在你头上
  And you like oh Your, your pencil, you know, it's behind your ear. 又或者是找 你的铅笔的时候 它可能就别在你耳后
  I looked on top of my head, my phone was not there. 我在我的头上找了找 我的手机不在那儿
  Looked behind my ear, nothing.A quarter.And it was weird. I think 看了看我的耳朵后面 没有东西 发现了一枚硬币 我觉得这真诡异